10 May 2017

U.S. Senate Fails to Move Forward to Repeal BLM Rule on Methane Emissions

“IADC is disappointed with today’s Senate vote regarding BLM’s duplicative and costly methane emissions rule. Since the rule was first introduced in 2016, IADC, along with our industry partners, has argued that the regulation would have the unintended impact of fewer jobs, higher costs for consumers and less energy security and federal revenue.
3 March 2017

IADC Praises Senate Confirmation of Rick Perry as Secretary of Energy

“Secretary Perry has a successful history of supporting oil and gas development, while also encouraging the development of renewable energy sources, and he is therefore well suited in his new role at the DOE. IADC specifically hopes to work with Secretary Perry to ensure a more timely review of LNG export permits and on revitalizing the Fossil Office within the Department.