IADC Contracts Committee

Mission Statement

To promote clarity and efficiency in commercial documentation within the global drilling community and foster a wider understanding of contracts and risk management.


Tyler Smith, Nabors

Vice Chairman, Land
Tom Bowes, Precision Drilling

Vice Chairman, Offshore
John Kilburn, Transocean

Vice Chairman, Industry Outreach

Staff Liaison
Mike DuBose, IADC

Join the Committee

Please contact the IADC Contracts Committee.

Meetings are open to IADC members.

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Committee Structure

A member appointed by the Chairman of IADC will chair the IADC Contracts Committee. The Committee Chairman may at his discretion appoint a reasonable number of Committee Vice-Chairmen to oversee specific disciplines or issues (e.g., onshore/offshore safety issues, environmental practices, specific regulatory issues, etc.)

General meetings are open to participants from all categories of IADC membership. The Chairman may invite non-members to attend when it furthers the interests of the Committee. At the discretion of the Chairman and IADC staff, the meeting or portions of the meeting may be exclusively reserved for drilling contractor members. Meetings will be held at such times and locations as may be selected by the Chairman with the advice of the Committee.

IADC Committee activities are governed by IADC’s Antitrust Policy and Guidelines. IADC Technical Committee meetings are not open to the Press.

Meeting Minutes

Date Function Location
15 August

28 March
Safety Moment
Update of Mexican Navigation Law
SCOTUS Precision Amicus Brief

27 July
ISP Quarterly Summary Report, Q1
ISP Quarterly Summary Report, Q2
30 March
K&L Gates Presentation
IADC ESG Reporting Guide
Quarterly Report Q4
General Committee Meeting Transocean
15 December General Committee Meeting Transocean
1 April
HFW Presentation
General Committee Meeting  IADC HQ
3 December General Committee Meeting  IADC HQ
10 September General Committee Meeting Online Only
14 May
Brodies Presentation
General Committee Meeting Online Only
26 February
Eversheds Sutherland Presentation
General Committee Meeting Online Only
19 December
Glenn Kangisser Presentation
Safety Alert 6-20
General Committee Meeting Online Only
25 September
Onshore Well Construction Interface Document
IADC Equipment List Update
IADC Land Rig Equipment List Short Form
eneral Committee Meeting Online Only
15 May General Committee Meeting Online Only
31 January
General Committee Meeting Houston, TX, USA
11 October 2019 General Committee Meeting Houston, TX, USA
14 June 2019 General Committee Meeting Houston, TX, USA
1 February 2019
IADC Dutra Amicus Summary 31 Jan 2019
IADC Houston Chapter By-Laws New Logo
18 Amicus of IADC
General Committee Meeting Houston, TX, USA
10 May 2018
General Committee Meeting Houston, TX, USA
8 April 2016
Contractual Breaches & Terminations, Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP
General Committee Meeting Houston, TX, USA
6 February 2015
Post Macondo Insurance Review Marsh
General Committee Meeting Houston, TX, USA

Meeting Schedule

Date Function Location
3 October 2024 General Committee Meeting Transocean

Committee Meetings Policy

General meetings are open to participants from all categories of IADC membership. The Chairman may invite non-members to attend when it furthers the interests of the Committee. At the discretion of the Chairman and IADC staff, the meeting or portions of the meeting may be exclusively reserved for drilling contractor members. Meetings will be held at such times and locations as may be selected by the Chairman with the advice of the Committee.

All dates and times are subject to change.

Resources & Links

This page contains lists of all available resources, documents, videos for the Contracts Committee. These may include best practices, guidelines, and/or special reports, as well as documents on topics such as onshore/offshore safety issues, environmental practices, specific regulatory issues and more. Also included is a section for links to useful websites.

Useful Links

Resource Type Resource Link
Purchase IADC Contracts IADC Online Bookstore Link
IADC provides web links as a member service. IADC does not warranty or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any of the information, content, or advertisements contained on websites linked to www.iadc.org or any of its subsidiary pages.

Committee Initiatives

  • Complete and release the “Interim IADC Standard Floating Rig Equipment List”.
  • Update IADC Model Contracts with new Copyrights and Logos, if applicable and within budgetary restraints.
  • Release interim “IADC Land Equipment List Short Version”.