IADC Latin America Chapter
The journey towards establishing the IADC Latin America Chapter began with the formation of an industry working group on May 2, 2019. This group was dedicated to laying the groundwork for the Chapter’s foundation. By June 2020, we had successfully established our first legal entity in Mexico, marking a significant milestone in our efforts to found and strengthen the Chapter.
El camino hacia el establecimiento del Capítulo de América Latina de IADC comenzó con la formación de un grupo de trabajo de la industria el 2 de mayo de 2019. Este grupo se dedicó a sentar las bases para la fundación del Capítulo. Para junio de 2020, habíamos establecido con éxito nuestra primera entidad legal en México, marcando un hito significativo en nuestros esfuerzos por fundar y fortalecer el Capítulo.
Core Values/Valores Fundamentales
The IADC Latin America Chapter is committed to the highest values of Safety, Ethics, Continuous Improvement, and Workforce Competency
El Capítulo Latino América de la IADC está comprometido con los más altos valores de Ética, Mejora Continua, Competencia y Seguridad.
Carlos Ortiz Reguer, Transocean
Chris Nevling, Noble
Ana Rosique, Parker Drilling
Paulo H Lopes, NOV
Dave Massey, The Reach Group
Oscar García Shelly, Axon
Soraya Carvalho, Soraya & Carvalho Consulting
Ricardo Carvalho, Soraya & Carvalho Consulting
Geographical Reach/Alcance Geográfico
Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean Islands and continental South America (except Brazil)
México, Centroamérica, Islas del Caribe y Sudamérica Continental (excepto Brasil)
The IADC Latin America Chapter offers the following membership categories:
El Capítulo Latinoamericano de la IADC ofrece las siguientes categorías de membresía:
- Offshore and Onshore Drilling Contractors*
Contratistas de Perforación costa afuera y en tierra firme* - Associate Companies; available for local or international providers of oilfield goods and/or services.
Compañías Asociadas; disponibles para proveedores locales o internacionales de bienes y/o servicios a campos de petróleo. - Operators; available for local or international producers of oil and gas
Operadores; disponibles para productores locales o internacionales de petróleo y gas - Independent Professionals**; available for oil & gas consultants or sole proprietors of professional & consulting services providers.
Profesionales Independientes**; disponibles como consultores o empresarios individuales de proveedores de servicios para petróleo y gas.
*Offshore and Onshore Drilling Contractors must have a current membership at IADC HQ as a pre-requisite to become members of the IADC Latin America Chapter. **Limited voting rights membership.
*Los Contratistas de Perforación Costa Afuera y en Tierra Firme deberán tener una membresía actual en la Sede Central de la IADC como prerrequisito para hacerse miembros del Capítulo Latinoamericano de la IADC. **Membresía con derecho limitado de voto.
To join the chapter, download the application, complete, and submit to Soraya.Carvalho@iadc.org.
Para unirse al capítulo, por favor descargue la solicitud y envíe la solicitud al correo indicado: Soraya.Carvalho@iadc.org.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: What is the difference between a Member and a Delegate?
A: The Member is the company who registers to the Chapter. The Delegate is the individual that represents the Member and who is entitled to vote on behalf of the Member.
Q: Can a Member designate more than one Delegate?
A: A Member can designate one Delegate and one Deputy-Delegate. In absence of the Delegate, the Deputy Delegate can vote on behalf of the member.
Q: Can other of my co-workers attend the meetings of the Chapter?
A: Generally open meetings have no restriction on how many individuals from a Member company can attend. Some events may be limited to one Delegate and/or may have an extra cost for additional attendees.
Q: Who can apply for an “Individual Membership”?
A: The Individual Membership is limited to: sole proprietors of businesses with no employees, or consultants, or professionals on career transition. The Individual Membership is not available for companies with employees, nor operators, nor drilling contractors. An individual who works for e.g. an affiliate company, or an operator or a drilling contractor, is not eligible for the Individual Membership.
Q: Who is an Associate Company?
A: An Associate Company is a provider of goods and or services related to the oil and gas industry.
Q: Who is an Operator?
A: An Operators is an oil and gas producer.
Q: I heard that to become a Member of the Chapter, my company must have a good standing membership with the IADC global head office, is this applicable to my company?
A: This pre-requisite is only applicable to drilling contractors, either on-shore or off-shore. This pre-requisite is not applicable to Associates, Individuals nor Operators.
Q: Are the IADC LATAM Chapter’s events free for Members?
A: Some events do not have an additional cost to Members, some events may have a cost and if so, usually, there are preferential prices for Members with a good standing membership in the Chapter.
Q: My company has multiple branches in Latin America, do we need to register every branch as a member and pay dues for each branch?
A: No, you can register your company using the local legal entity or branch of your preference and pay the dues that correspond to the type of membership that corresponds to your company.
Q: My company is interested in becoming a member of the IADC Latin America Chapter.
A: Awesome!, we have memberships available for a) Offshore Drilling Contracts, b) On-shore Drilling Contractors, c) Associate companies d) Individuals* and e) Operators. Please visit https://iadc.org/chapters/latin-america/ where you could download a PDF application form or fill-out a web based application form. You will be provided with instructions for payment.
More questions? Please contact Soraya.Carvalho@IADC.com or Ricardo.Carvalho@IADC.com
Holland House Mexico
Holland House Mexico is the Dutch-Mexican Chamber of Commerce and was established in February 2019 to facilitate the success of Dutch companies in the Mexican market and to promote international trade, investment and sustainable business development between The Netherlands and Mexico.
Holland House Mexico (HHM) is an independent, privately owned, not-for-profit organization based on memberships. Our portfolio of services, ranging from soft-landing to business development services, is designed to significantly lower market entry costs and risks and accelerate the pace of business development of Dutch companies in the Mexican market. HHM represents the interests of its members in the local market and their respective industries through publications and events, and actively contributes to business development through matchmaking services, commercial missions, and Dutch pavilions at trade exhibitions. Our network represents organizations from all the major industries in Mexico and The Netherlands.
HHM Energy & Maritime is the sector group focussed on Energy, Maritime and Port Development and has as objective to support Dutch companies to be successful in these segments of the Mexican market.