Recently, the IADC recently welcomed 2 new additions to the student chapters, bringing the total to 12 after the fourth year of the program. The 2 new student chapters are:
- University of Texas in Austin, Texas
- Curtin University in Perth, Australia
IADC’s Student Chapter program was started in 2017 when the need for a formal vehicle for engaging with the next generation of young professionals was identified. At that time, students were also expressing a desire for opportunities to engage with the drilling industry while still in school. These opportunities provide a small view into the real-world application of their academic studies.
The Chapters provide a unique opportunity for students to learn about the practical side of the industry and their future profession. The IADC Student Chapter program serves as a supplement to the academic aspect provided by the universities. Though challenging during a global pandemic, this historically happens through conferences, rig tours, and other industry events.
“We’ve had a lot of interest! About 70-90 sign-ups,” said Hyeok Kong, Senior at UT-Austin and current Chapter liaison. He went on about what he’s seeing in his conversations:
This year, virtual conferences provided an even greater opportunity for student participation. By the end of the year, close to 400 students will have attended IADC conferences around the globe, including Sustainability, MPD/UBO, HSE&T Asia Pacific, Advanced Rig Technology and Annual General Meeting.
IADC Members Support Next Generation
While the students have shown an enthusiasm to put their knowledge into action, the foundation of success for the Student Chapter program is IADC Membership’s willingness to engage, mentor, and foster this next generation of young industry professionals.
Mike DuBose, IADC’s Vice President of International Development, said it succinctly:
Other Student Chapter Activities
The Student Chapters have organized meetings and other activities on campus last spring as pandemic conditions allowed. An example of the Student Chapters’ eagerness to bring people together was demonstrated earlier this spring. In April, the Texas A&M Student Chapter held an HSE Summit, including academia, regulatory and industry perspectives and keynote speaker Christi Craddick of the Texas Railroad Commission. It was an opportunity to have an open discussion to educate the public about the Oil & Gas industry and its focus on safety.

Texas A&M Student Chapter Host HSE Summit
Collaborative events like these reaffirm the original mission and vision of the Association. As the academic year ramps up this fall there is a renewed sense of energy and interest among the Student Chapters for the 2021-2022 school year.
Beyond College
With the growth of our Student Chapters, a pipeline was created for industry professionals who wanted to continue engagement with IADC, but were not yet at the experience level for normal Committee-level workgroups. That’s what lead to the Young Professionals Committee.
In 2019, IADC formed a Young Professionals (YP) Committee as another way for the Association and industry to engage with the next generation of workers. The Committee filled a gap between students and more seasoned professionals, and now includes some individuals who were Members of IADC Student Chapters when in school. Tripling in size in the past year, the YP Committee recently hosted a networking happy hour with close to 100 attendees. Additionally, they’ve developed panel sessions for the Sustainability Conference and Annual General Meeting.