IADC Student Chapters
Inquire about an IADC student chapter at your school by contacting studentchapters@iadc.org.
IADC Student Chapters provide an avenue for students to connect to global IADC activities, drilling industry professionals, and the industry as a whole. Chapter activities typically include opportunities to meet and exchange ideas, socialize, and learn about the drilling industry.
Existing IADC Student Chapters
IADC supports student chapters by coordinating rig visits, factory tours, industry professional speakers, conference attendance and opportunities to connect with potential future employers.
To start a student chapter, the following is required:
• Minimum of 12 students interested
• Identification of Student Chapter Officers (4)
• Faculty advisor
• College/University membership in IADC
• Agreement with IADC’s Student Chapter Guidelines on Professionalism
Active Student Chapters
- Curtin University (Perth)
- King Fahd University for Petroleum & Minerals
- Lone Star College
- Louisiana State University
- Maharashtra Institute of Technology
- Marietta College
- Missouri S&T
- Pandit Deendayal Energy University
- Petroleum Training Institute, Nigeria
- SUEZ University, Egypt
- Texas A&M University
- Texas Tech University
- Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
- University of Boumerdes (Algeria)
- University of Louisiana at Lafayette
- University of North Dakota
- University of Texas – Austin
- University of Texas – Permian Basin
- University of Wyoming