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2022 IADC Chair Jeremy Thigpen: Industry Needs to Redouble Efforts around Educating the Public

2022 IADC Chair Jeremy Thigpen discusses what leadership means in his first editorial to the industry in the January/February issue of Drilling Contractor magazine:

The drilling industry needs to stress the criticality of, and advocate for, the work we do, emphasizing the immense value oil and gas creates for the world.

Thigpen has been in the industry since working part-time in college. Since being appointed CEO of one of world’s largest offshore drilling contractors, Transocean, Thigpen has championed innovation and teamwork throughout his career. His experience throughout his 20-year career provides him the ability to see how the entire drilling industry can benefit from lessons each individual company practices on a daily basis:

Imagine the impact we could have if every person working within the drilling industry would volunteer some time, expertise and experience to advance our industry.

Thigpen highlights how critical oil and gas will continue to be to the global energy, citing the drilling industry’s drive to innovate new services & technologies to meet the increasing demand. In trying to promote & educate the public on hydrocarbons’ critical role within civilization, the incoming IADC Chairman outlined how the various methods for delivering the true messaging about the industry:

  • Continuing to bring value to the marketplace
  • Communicating the benefits of hydrocarbons energy sources
  • Public policy

Thigpen concludes his editorial by standing up for drilling industry:

I believe in the value our industry creates worldwide and hope you do, too. Let’s work together to make sure our industry’s value is better understood in 2022.