Monthly eNewsletter from the IADC

The Power of Teamwork at IADC: Fostering Unity and Collective Action

In his latest editorial for the May/June issue of Drilling Contractor (DC) magazine, IADC President Jason McFarland discusses the exceptional teamwork found at IADC, and how this level of collaboration continues to drive the industry forward. In the book “Leaders Eat Last,” Simon Sinek emphasizes the importance of teamwork and fostering a culture of trust, empowerment, and shared purpose for building successful teams. 

McFarland highlights several examples of teamwork and cooperation within IADC:

  • Advocacy efforts, where IADC Members come together to advocate for fair legislation and address industry challenges at regional and global levels
  • Conference organization, with program committees curating robust lineups through collaborative efforts over the course of a year
  • Workforce development initiatives, such as accreditation programs and training curricula, where members contribute their expertise to raise industry standards
  • Student Chapters and Young Professionals programs, providing growth opportunities and industry connections
  • Committee work, where subject matter experts volunteer to collaborate on pertinent issues within their respective focus areas

In conclusion, McFarland mentions that Members are at the core of everything we do at IADC, stating: 

“Members are the why, the how and the who behind every initiative, every project and every single thing we do. It is the spirit of unity and collective action that makes this association such a powerful force for positive change.”