Monthly eNewsletter from the IADC

Marietta College Students Visit Pruitt Facility & Range Resources Rig Site

In April, 10 Members of the IADC Marietta College Student Chapter had the opportunity to visit a Pruitt facility and a Range Resources’ rig location. The day started with a tour of the Pruitt facility in Bentleyville, Pennsylvania, where students were given a safety orientation. The tour included a demonstration of a Rotating Control Device rigged up as it would be at the rig site, which allowed the students to perform equipment functions via the Pruitt control station. 

The group then visited a Range Resources rig location near Washington County, Pennsylvania. The students were given an HSE briefing and watched a safety orientation video before being led on a walk-through of rig conditions and drilling operations. Towards the end of the tour, the students had an opportunity to see what goes on behind the scenes in the driller’s cabin.

Martyn Parker, Vice President of Pruitt MPD Services, gave a comprehensive virtual presentation on Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD). He discussed the history of MPD at Pruitt and its use on a rig site, as well as the importance of Well Engineering in relation to MPD.

This was a beneficial learning experience for all the students, especially those who had not been to an active drilling site before. Thank you to Pruitt, Range Resources, and everyone involved in making this day possible for our students!