Monthly eNewsletter from the IADC

Southern Arabian Peninsula Chapter to Host Safety Awards & Mental Health Awareness Panel

The Q2 meeting of the IADC Southern Arabian Peninsula Chapter (SAPC) will take place on 16 May in Dubai, UAE. During the meeting, the Chapter will host a panel focused on mental health awareness. This panel will feature insightful discussions from renowned professionals in the industry, including Dr. Nosa Aihie from International SOS, Darren Sutherland from Borr DrillingTina Welsh from Valaris LimitedAnn C McCreath from Wood, and Mario Leopizzi from Shelf Drilling. Additionally, the event will host a special workshop conducted by certified executive and performance coach and author of ‘LISTEN,’ Ciarán McBreen from 2b Limitless.

The Annual Safety Awards ceremony will be the highlight of the event, and the Chapter is excited to announce the winners for 2023. 

Many thanks to International SOS for sponsoring this event. The SAPC is looking forward to welcoming Members who are passionate about promoting mental health awareness and celebrating safety excellence!

For event registration, please contact admin@sapc-iadc.org