Monthly eNewsletter from the IADC

South Central Asia Student Chapters Discuss “Reservoir Engineering” in Latest Webinar

On 23 September, the IADC Student Chapters at Maharashtra Institute of Technology (MIT) and Pandit Deendayal Energy University (PDEU) hosted the latest installment in a collaborative webinar series. Mrs. Yogashri Pradhan, M.S., P.E. delivered an enlightening session on “Reservoir Engineering” to the students.  

The Student Chapters thanked Mrs. Pradhan and identified the following highlights from the session: 

  • Saturated and Unsaturated Oil reservoirs
  • Decline Curve Analysis
  • Flow Regimes
  • Stimulated Reservoir Volume Geometry
  • RTA Workflow
  • Overview of Artificial Lift

Thank you to Mrs. Pradhan for sharing her knowledge with the students, and great work to the MIT & PDEU Student Chapters for organizing this educational webinar!