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IADC Attends KFUPM Student Chapter’s Official Opening Ceremony in Saudi Arabia

Mike DuBose (far left) & Hisham Zebian (2nd to far left) of IADC at opening ceremony for KFUPM Student Chapter

Earlier this year, King Fahd University for Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) in Saudi Arabia became the 13th chapter in IADC’s Student Chapter Program. This marks IADC’s first student chapter in the Middle East.

KFUPM Student Chapter’s official opening ceremony took place on the 16th of October, at the KFUPM campus in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. The official ceremony took place with an attendance of students from the College of Petroleum at the university and at least 75 delegates representing the IADC Northern Arabian Gulf Chapter (NAGC). Members from Saudi Aramco were in attendance, as well as NAGC officers from SANAD, Shelf Drilling, and NOV.

IADC’s Student Chapter program was started in 2017 when the need for a formal vehicle for engaging with the next generation of young professionals was identified. At that time, students were also expressing a desire for opportunities to engage with the drilling industry while still in school. The IADC Student Chapter program serves as a supplement to the academic aspect provided by the universities. The Chapters provide unique opportunities for students to learn about the practical side of the industry and their future professions. These opportunities generally consist of attending conferences, rig tours, and other industry events.