Monthly eNewsletter from the IADC

Government & Industry Affairs Team Represents IADC Members at Industry Events

Photo from the Domestic Energy Producers Alliance (DEPA) Washington, DC, fly-in

IADC’s Government & Industry Affairs team has had an active month of attending and participating in various industry events inside and outside the US. Attending these events allows IADC to stay updated and pass along important information to Members, collaborate with other trade associations, expand IADC’s reach, and represent the best interests of drilling contractors. 

Onshore Safety Alliance (OSA) Executive Steering Committee Meeting 

IADC represents the collective voice of the drilling industry by serving on the OSA Program Executive Steering Committee. OSA describes itself as “…a voluntary industry coalition committed to working together to reduce serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs) in U.S. onshore oil and gas exploration and production.” IADC attended the most recent OSA Executive Steering Committee meeting on 22 May.  

Onshore Safety Alliance (OSA) Industry Safety Share Forum 

IADC attended the Onshore Safety Alliance Industry Share Forum in Midland, Texas on 23 May. The purpose of this safety forum was to share good practices and learnings from recent incidents. It was designed for operators, drilling contractors, and service companies with personnel who work directly on onshore oil and gas operation sites. The forum consisted of 10+ safety shares from companies covering a variety of topics including report outs on individual incidents, emerging trends and associated implications seen in company safety data, and best practices learned from an event or series of events. The event also included lunch and networking opportunities for participants to connect and discuss safety topics on a more individual level. 

Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC) Annual Business Meeting

IADC attended the IOGCC Annual Business Meeting held 22-24 May in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The IOGCC is “… a multi-state government entity that is passionate about advancing the quality of life for all Americans.” The Commission works to champion the conservation and efficient recovery of US oil and natural gas resources while protecting health, safety, and the environment. This is accomplished by providing member states with a clear and unified voice and serving as the authority on issues surrounding these vital resources. 

Washington, DC, Fly-Ins 

Over the course of the last month, IADC attended two fly-ins to Washington, DC. One fly-in was organized by the Domestic Energy Producers Alliance (DEPA), for which IADC has a seat on the Board of Directors. The other fly-in event was organized by the US Oil & Gas Association (USOGA). Washington, DC, fly-ins provide industry leaders and professionals with the opportunity to advance the best interests of the industry by collectively meeting with key legislative decision makers.

IMO’s 107th Session of the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) Meeting

IMO’s 107th session of the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) meeting was convened from 31 May to 9 June in London. The committee reviewed the considerable body of work undertaken by a number of IMO subcommittees on topics such as development of GHG concerns related to the maritime environment, enhancing the safety and security of personnel at sea, and developing provisions to account for emerging technologies. As a Non-Governmental Observer since 1975, IADC regularly engages in key IMO meetings to ensure value-added application of IMO instruments to the exceedingly specialized nature of offshore energy operations in the marine environment.