Monthly eNewsletter from the IADC

Abstracts Invited for 5 November IADC DEC Q4 Tech Forum

The IADC Drilling Engineers Committee (DEC) will hold its Q4 Technology Forum on 5 November. The topic will be “Enabling New Energy.” Abstracts are invited to present on the below topics. Deadline for abstract submissions is Wednesday, 2 October. Click here to submit an abstract.

Enabling New Energy Geothermal, hydrogen, lithium mining, and other energy activities use drilling and wells in their value streams. This forum will explore the question: “How does drilling engineering provide value in new energy segments?”

New energy’s emerging applications require new approaches to well design and drilling technology to meet economic requirements, and drilling engineers are stepping up to the challenge. This forum will highlight well construction projects in this space, cover the drilling engineering and technology in the field today, and explore future needs. The types of applications include geothermal resources, geologic hydrogen, lithium brine mining, helium extraction, CO2 storage, and saltwater disposal.  Progress in everything from designing the well to operational practice will be considered.

Questions to consider:

  • For each specific energy application, how could we be designing and delivering wells considering their operational life cycle?
  • What engineering considerations, well designs, and drilling rig equipment are needed for alternative energy applications?
  • What industry groups are out there? How do I get involved?
  • How do we repurpose our current skill sets and technologies to support alternative energy?
  • How do we design training for new engineers to be adaptive and inclusive of new energies in the future? What are the key differences? Similarities?

The event will be held the morning of 5th November as a hybrid event. For virtual, a Zoom link will be sent to registered attendees the day before. For in-person, the event venue is TBD. If your organization is interested in hosting this event at your Houston-area facility, please contact Linda Hsieh at linda.hsieh@iadc.org.