Monthly eNewsletter from the IADC

University of North Dakota Hosts MPD Webinar

On 16 April, the IADC University of North Dakota (UND) Student Chapter invited Rudy Flores, Technical Sales Manager – Americas at Enhanced Drilling, to speak about Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD). The webinar focused  on advancements in Enhanced Drilling Techniques, with a particular emphasis on Controlled Mud Level (CML) technology. During the presentation, students learned about: 

  • Enhanced Drilling’s history, including its evolution and significance 
  • The commercial application and relevance of CML technology, notably EC-Drill, in modern drilling operations
  • Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) methods, including Continuous Circulating System(CCS), Surface Back Pressure (SBP), and CML, with emphasis on the Mud Window concept for optimal technique selection
  • Safety measures, such as the Early Detection System, aimed at reducing and mitigating influx incidents

This event provided the students with valuable insights into the application of managed pressure drilling in different approaches and the latest developments in Enhanced Drilling.