On 23 May, the US Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) announced the release of its BSEE!Safe program to bring critical safety information directly to front line offshore workers on the Outer Contintental Shelf. Using text messaging technology, the safety initiative will send links to published Safety Alerts and Bulletins, tools used to inform the offshore oil and gas industry of the circumstances surrounding an incident or near miss. The alerts and bulletins also contain recommendations to help prevent the recurrence of such an incident on the Outer Continental Shelf.
Offshore workers can sign up for the free text notification service at https://bsee.sendwordnow.com. Notices of Safety Alerts, Bulletins, and other safety announcements will be sent via text message with links to the information. BSEE!Safe notifications supplement the long-standing practice of issuing Safety Alerts and Bulletins sharing lessons learned and recommendations from incidents and near misses with industry representatives.