Monthly eNewsletter from the IADC

Marksmanship with a Mission: IADC Holds Inaugural 3-Gun Competition

On Friday, 20 October, IADC held the inaugural 3-Gun Competition to generate awareness for DrillersPAC, IADC’s political action committee, and raise funds for charities supporting veterans. DrillersPAC helps maximize the impact of IADC’s advocacy efforts by raising money to support political candidates aligned with IADC and Members’ policy goals.

The 3-Gun Competition was held at Renaissance Shooting Club in Todd Mission, Texas. There were 28 teams of 4 shooters, and over 15 corporate sponsors. The event consisted of an AM shooting flight and a PM shooting flight, with lunch and a raffle in between for all participants. 

The competition raised $11,000 for Camp Hope, a Houston-based interim housing facility operated by the PTSD Foundation of America. The mission of the PTSD Foundation of America is to bring hope and healing to Combat Veterans and their families suffering from the effects of combat-related Post Traumatic Stress. 

Thank you to everyone who participated, and a big shout out to the event sponsors: Transocean, Valaris, Patterson-UTI, Parker Wellbore, Nabors. Steel Grip Inc., Canrig Drilling, Polar Rig Specialties, Surbo Tubular, MR Group, Goltens Houston Inc, Noble Drilling, GD Energy Products, Krate Tactical, Viking Tactical, Everlit Survival, AceTacGear, ESAB, and Renaissance Shooting Club.