Monthly eNewsletter from the IADC

IADC Strengthens Regional Ties, Explores Opportunities During Baku Energy Week

IADC is a proud media partner of Baku Energy Week, a significant event for the region’s energy sector. Hisham Zebian, Vice President – Eastern Hemisphere, is currently representing IADC at the event taking place in Baku, Azerbaijan from 4-6 June. IADC is pleased to join industry leaders and colleagues at this forum, which encompasses three prestigious events: 

  • The 29th International Caspian Oil and Gas Exhibition – Caspian Oil&Gas
  • The 12th Caspian International Energy and Green Energy Exhibition – Caspian Power
  • The 29th Baku Energy Forum 

Approximately 300 companies from 37 countries are expected to be in attendance, providing many opportunities for knowledge sharing and networking.