Monthly eNewsletter from the IADC

From the Chairman: Advocating for the drilling industry with a unified voice

In his latest editorial for the July/August issue of Drilling Contractor (DC) magazine, 2024 IADC Chairman Brad James explores the power of unity in the drilling industry and how collective action can drive positive change. 

James states, 

“True progress is achieved when the industry collaborates to solve problems, shares knowledge and best practices, and educates others about the importance of our work.” 

He discusses his experience traveling with IADC to Washington, D.C., to meet with key legislators. The trip was successful in part because of the group’s unified messaging, relaying to these decision-makers that the drilling industry truly C.A.R.E.S. This industry provides Clean, Affordable, Reliable, and Efficient energy in increasingly Sustainable ways. 

James refers to Brian Gitt’s thoughts from his book “In the Dark: Fixing Energy Policies That Hurt People & the Planet.” Gitt explains that eliminating fossil fuels “…is an overly simplistic solution to a complex problem.”

According to James, 

“Fossil fuels will continue to be an essential part of the energy mix needed to meet global demand. The energy expansion is a matter of employing all of our best resources to get the job done. We don’t need to reinvent the wheel here; we just need to continue optimizing and advancing the process for retrieving hydrocarbons, the world’s primary energy source for well over half a century.” 

James discusses how important it will be to utilize consistent and unified messaging to empower the people in this industry to tell our own stories. 

Dive into the full article to discover more about how advocacy and unified messaging can help ensure drilling’s important role in the future of energy.