Drill Bit Forensics Virtual Session Happening Next Monday, 12 April - IADC.org

Monthly eNewsletter from the IADC

Drill Bit Forensics Virtual Session Happening Next Monday, 12 April


As part of IADC’s ongoing efforts to modernize and update its drill bit dull grading system, the Advanced Rig Technology (ART) Committee will hold a training session from 7am – 8:30am (CDT) on Monday, 12 April 2021 on bit and bottomhole assembly (BHA) forensics. The virtual session is a collaborative effort with the International Association of Directional Drilling.

The learning objectives will be on how to incorporate forensic analysis of bit and BHA wear scars and fractures as a diagnostic tool for identifying key limiters and corrective actions. The session will explore the observations and documentation used in such analysis.

Air Date:

12 April 2021 at 07.00 Houston (GMT-05.00). To receive the link and passcode to view this VPD, each viewer must register individually.

Drill Bit Forensics Topics to be Explored

  • Reading fracture initiation and direction of loading
  • Erosion and corrosion
  • Bit wear scars – mechanical and thermal

BHA Forensics Topics to be Explored

  • Wear scars and direction of motion
  • Loads from torsion & high-frequency torsional oscillations
  • Bit balling and ribbon flows

Materials Needed to Attend

To maximize the benefit of this forensics session, a hands-on experience is recommended by the presenter. If you wish to participate in the hands-on demonstrations, log onto the virtual event with the following items:

  • 3 pieces of good quality chalkboard white chalk
  • Two pieces of sand paper, one course (~60 grit), one fine (~220 grit), minimum 3×5 inch
  • One piece of paper or smooth card stock, minimum 3×5 inch
  • One or more Oreo cookie(s) (or similar laminated cookie with hard outer layers and inner deformable layer)

Please note: Your webinar link and password will be emailed to you before the event.

Submit Questions Beforehand

If you would like to submit questions in advance for the panelists to answer during the session, please click below.