Monthly eNewsletter from the IADC

Brazil Chapter Gathers Members for Cook-Off Family Day 2024

The IADC Brazil Chapter recently hosted Brazil Cook-Off Family Day 2024. This annual networking event was a success, with plenty of delicious food, lively music, and activities for the whole family! Culinary teams from HMH and Kinetic Pressure Control participated.

Event sponsors included:

PLATINUM – DLC – Diesel Line Cambuí, Sotreq S/A and NOV
GOLD – Coutec Comercial
SILVER – Transocean, Camorim Serviços Marítimos LTDA, Avantis marine

A message from the Brazil Chapter:
Our thanks to everyone who once again supported our FAMILY DAY!!
Wonderful day shared with friends and family.
A special highlight for the DREAM TEAM – José Antonio Simensatto, Howdrey Couto Jacinto, and Flávio de Paula!