Over the years, the drilling industry has used the same methods, processes, and basic machine technology to drill oil and gas wells. Will this trend continue in the future, or is a new Rig for the Future required? What is a Rig for the Future – more of the same (evolutionary) or is it a step change (revolutionary)? What technology is required to achieve a Rig for the Future – more automation? What kind of automation? What is the cost vs. benefit of the Rig for the Future, and is it worth it? What role will rig- and office-based personnel play? Will this new technology keep people safer? Will the Rig for the Future be better for the environment and have a reduced carbon footprint? What could the Rig for the Future look like in 2030, and what are the main obstacles that must be overcome? The IADC Drilling Engineers Committee (DEC) Q1 Technology Forum is designed to explore our progress and consider our future.
Abstracts are invited for presentations to address the above questions and challenges at this event, with the theme of “Rig for the Future.” The event will be held the morning of Wednesday, 25 March, at Halliburton, 3000 N. Sam Houston Pkwy, Houston, TX 77032.
The deadline for abstracts is 21 February 2020. Click here to submit an abstract.
To register to attend the event, click here.
For more information, contact Linda Hsieh, linda.hsieh@iadc.org, +1-713-292-1945, ext 219.