Monthly eNewsletter from the IADC

Drilling Onshore Conference Draws a Crowd, Including 20 Students

On 16 May, the IADC Drilling Onshore Conference & Exhibition took place at the Hyatt Regency Houston West in Houston, Texas. Participants gathered to explore alternative power sources, evolving technologies, the emerging geothermal landscape, and the global market outlook. Insightful panels with drilling contractors and operators provided invaluable perspectives on the dynamic onshore sector.

There were 20 students from IADC’s Student Chapter Program present at the event. Represented schools included the University of Texas at Austin, Texas A&M, Marietta College, Lone Star College, Texas Tech, and Colorado School of Mines. The event covered an array of topics of interest to the students, and many vendor companies that support the Drilling Contractor community offered exhibits to display their services and products. This afforded the students an opportunity to learn about the various products and services that many IADC Members utilize daily.

The students enjoyed the experience of meeting with the conference attendees and the warm welcome the industry professionals extended to them. At the debriefing dinner following the conference, many of the soon-to-be graduates expressed a keen interest in the emerging geothermal landscape and the technologies required to tap this growing energy resource. 

Thank you to everyone who attended the 2024 IADC Drilling Onshore Conference! Special thanks to the conference presenters, exhibitors, sponsors, and planning committee for making Drilling Onshore possible.