How's Your Own Safety? -

How’s Your Own Safety?

How’s Your Own Safety?

Here’s a chance to rate yourself, each of you, on your own personal safety habits:

  1. Do you arrive at work each day fit for duty physically and mentally?
  2. Do you think through and plan your tasks (use JSAs)?
  3. If a task changes, do you step back and re-analyze the task for potential hazards created by the change?
  4. When equipment is changed do you analyze change for new potential hazards that may have been created by the equipment change?
  5. Do you observe safety warning signs?
  6. Do you immediately wipe up spilled oil or mud from the floor to avoid slipping and falling?
  7. Do you crush out cigarette stubs before disposing of them, only smoke in designated areas, and are you fully aware of the danger of smoking on a rig?
  8. Do you wear your safety glasses?
  9. Do you wear your hard hat?
  10. Do you wear safety boots (shoes)?
  11. Do you wear work gloves?
  12. Do you use hearing protection where required? (Usually if you cannot carry on a conversation in a normal voice, hearing protection should be worn.)
  13. Do you utilize fall protection equipment and procedures?
  14. Are your work clothes in good condition without loose items that could catch such as belts, torn sleeves, etc.?
  15. Do you have clean pair of work clothes to start each day?
  16. Do you have a spare set of work clothes available in case your clothes get oil soaked?
  17. When handling chemicals, such as mixing mud, etc., do you wear personal protective equipment as required by the MSDS?
  18. Do you wear a face shield and goggles when using grinders?
  19. Do you always open the garage door before starting your automobile engine, to safeguard against death by carbon monoxide?
  20. Do you avoid lifting heavy objects that are beyond your strength, and get help?
  21. Do you bend your knees, using your legs to lift heavy objects, so as to relieve your back of any strain?
  22. When using a knife or other sharp tool, do you cut away from yourself?
  23. Do you use the proper cutting tool for the task?
  24. Do you leave personal problems at home and work problems at work?
  25. Are you always alert, keeping your mind on your job, knowing and using the proper way to do it, careful not to rush, conscious of where you are going?
  26. Do you use all the safety devices and personal protective equipment provided for your protection?
  27. Are you aware of hazards around you and do you relate these hazards to co-workers?
  28. Are you careful not to attempt any job that could endanger you or others around you?
  29. Do you ask questions if you are unsure how a job is to be done?
  30. Do you avoid using and replace all worn or defective tools? Do you report defective tools?
  31. Do you avoid working around moving or running machinery until it is shut down and fully safe to do so?
  32. Do you use Lockout/Tagout procedures?
  33. When going up or down stairs, do you keep one hand on the hand rail and walk, not run?
  34. When working and climbing in the derrick (or other elevated areas) do you utilize 100% tie off?
  35. Do you safely use ladders or stairs at all times and avoid jumping from any height, such as pipe racks, catwalks, trucks, etc.?
  36. Do you avoid walking under hanging objects unless you are positive it is quite safe and fully anchored?
  37. Do you keep out of the way of tongs and lines and stand only in the proper manner and location?

Remember:  A fool and his life are soon parted.