Revisions to BSEE Offshore Safety Rule Enhance Offshore Oil and Gas Safety, Operations

Revisions to BSEE Offshore Safety Rule Enhance Offshore Oil and Gas Safety, Operations
Houston (28 September 2018) – In response to the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement’s (BSEE) announcement in today’s Federal Register of revisions to the Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations on the Outer Continental Shelf – Oil and Gas Production Safety Systems Rule, IADC President Jason McFarland said:
“IADC is pleased to see today’s results of the exacting approach taken by BSEE to enhance its production safety regulations. Far from making industry operations less safe, as detractors have alleged, the judicious assessment of all 484 provisions contained within the original 2016 rule will afford stakeholders an opportunity to effectively apply these revised requirements as they were originally intended. BSEE Director Scott Angelle has stated that the BSEE employed a ‘thoughtful and laser-like focus’ throughout its consideration of this Rule, an effort that IADC fully supports and appreciates.”
About IADC
Since 1940, the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) has exclusively represented the worldwide oil and gas drilling industry. IADC’s mission is to catalyze improved performance for the drilling industry by enhancing operational integrity and championing better regulation to facilitate safer, cleaner and more efficient drilling operations worldwide. For more information, visit IADC at and