IADC WellSharp® University

IADC’s WellSharp University accreditation program provides comprehensive well control training standards for the global drilling industry. The accreditation will cover the Drilling Operations Driller and Supervisor level courses, including Workover Supplement. WellSharp University is open to Colleges and Universities.

About the Program

WellSharp University was created to meet the growing desire of colleges and universities to be able to offer a reliable foundation of well control training knowledge to their students. This program will provide the same curriculum and knowledge assessment as WellSharp, and participating students will receive a “student certification” rather than the full certification offered through WellSharp.

Enhanced assessment process

  • Centralized online testing system, designed for maximum test integrity
  • Immediate test results and feedback based on learning objectives

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Accredited Training Providers

IADC makes every attempt to keep the information here up to date, but the status of an accredited program may change before this page can be updated. Please contact IADC if you need verification of a provider’s status.

Full accreditation may be granted to any program that, in the exclusive judgment of the Panel, meets the Criteria in a satisfactory manner.



Jalan Teknologi 5,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 57000
Phone: +60389961000
Contact: Juhairi Aris Muhamad Shuhili


  • Driller WellSharp University: Surface Stack

Training Provider Resources

Accredited and pending WellSharp® training providers may use the link below to access important documents, forms, and other important communications that may affect your program.

Accredited Training Providers

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For help with submitted student information, please contact records@iadc.org.

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