IADC RigPass®

Designed to identify core elements of safety orientation programs, RigPass prepares new employees for most operating environments, onshore or offshore.

Completion of an IADC RigPass or IADC RigPass Course-to-Go accredited program confirms that personnel have met basic requirements defined by safety and training professionals in the drilling industry, irrespective of the rig’s location.

About the Program

The IADC RigPass accreditation system is designed to meet two requirements:

  • To identify core elements of safety orientation programs for new rig employees
  • To provide a means of recognizing programs that adhere to those elements

Completion of an IADC RigPass or IADC RigPass Course-to-Go accredited program confirms that personnel have met basic requirements defined by safety and training professionals in the drilling industry, irrespective of the rig’s location.

IADC RigPass accreditation is open to all drilling and ancillary service contractors, commercial providers, and educational institutions and agencies.

Operators and contractors may be confident in the knowledge that every program is subject to review and evaluation by independent third parties. There is HSE Committee oversight, subject matter expert (SME) review of both the program and instructor applications, and 3rd party site visits. Quality Assurance is a key part of the IADC RigPass system.

Basin United Safety Orientation Program

For information on the Basin United Safety Orientation Program, please go to the Basin United website: https://www.basinunited.com

For Basin United (standalone) forms, please go to: Basin United Training Provider Resources

For RigPass with Basin United (combined) forms, please go to: RigPass Training Provider Resources

IADC Health, Safety & Environment

Safety has been at the core of IADC’s efforts since the inception of the Association in 1940. Learn more about several key safety related initiatives.

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Program FAQ

Q. What is RigPass?

IADC Rig Pass is a standardized safety orientation program for all oil and gas operations, whether onshore or offshore, that is independently audited and accredited.

Q. Who developed RigPass?

RigPass is an industry-developed program. It was developed and is overseen by oil and gas industry HSE professionals under the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC). The Committee RigPass includes, but is not limited to Operators, Contractors, Service Companies, and Commercial Training Providers.  The committee continuously works to enhance the program by utilizing best practice for instructional design and adult learning methodology.

Q. What is IADC?

IADC has been serving the oil and gas industry as a nonprofit trade association for over 80 years.

The Association’s mission is to catalyze improved performance by improving HSE and training, enhance drilling technology, and championing sensible legislation and regulation.

Q: Is RigPass recognized within the industry?

Yes. RigPass is a globally recognized safety curriculum and is accepted wherever oil and gas operations exist. RigPass has existed for over 25 years!  In addition, IADC’s accreditation programs are ISO 9001:2015-certified.

Q. What are the benefits of RigPass?

All IADC-accredited programs are reviewed and approved by a panel of industry subject matter experts and audited to quality standards accredited under ISO 9001:2015.  The RigPass program is developed and maintained by the industry based on the changing needs of the industry.

Q. What is the accreditation process?

Quick overview:

  1. Training Provider submits completed and comprehensive program and instructor(s) application and corresponding material to IADC.
  2. IADC staff performs initial screening for completion of required documents and collects payment of fees.
  3. There is an industry subject matter (SME) review of all program requirements.
  4. An audit will be performed within 6-12 months of conditional accreditation. Providers are subject to audit at any time. May be subject to Corrective Action if non-conformities are found.
  5. The accreditation cycle is 3 years for programs, 5 years for instructor certification.

Q. What is the turnaround time for program accreditation?

The turnaround time may be up to 90 days. That time includes the review of a comprehensive program application, curriculum material, supporting documentation, and invoicing/payment+processing. It also includes coordination of SME panel review of program and instructor applications.

Q. What is the turnaround time for Instructor certification?

The turnaround time may be up to 90 days. The processing time is included in the program accreditation time frame.  The turnaround time includes the internal and panel review of Instructor application(s), supporting material, and invoicing/payment processing.

Q. Do I need to complete a new RigPass application if I want to include Basin United endorsement to my existing program?

Yes, existing training providers will need to complete the new application paperwork; a modification fee will be assessed.

Q. What changes have been made to RigPass to enhance the program?

A work group under IADC’s HSE Committee has recently revised RigPass to meet the changing needs of the industry while utilizing best practice for instructional design and adult learning methodology.

The RigPass curriculum was revised and learning objectives were added to create an additional layer of standardization in content delivered across the industry. The work group has focused on the delivery method of the course and incorporated sample facilitated interactive activities throughout the content.

The delivery method has been revised to include adult learning principles for content delivery. A percentage of the content must be delivered through facilitated interactive activities that engage trainees in the learning experience. IADC will provide sample facilitation activities that can be used. Training providers are encouraged to develop and utilize their own activities to help customize the course to your needs and the needs of your customer.

Revised RigPass course to-go material will be available in both print and electronic form.

Q. Are there specific requirements for customizing a RigPass with Basin United course endorsement?

Yes, there are 2 specific requirements for companies that want to do a custom RigPass with Basin United accreditation.

1. You must do the Onshore endorsement at a minimum.
2. You must incorporate 7 specific Basin United required activities into your course.

Q. Can we deliver RigPass with Basin United as e-Learning?

No, Basin United does not allow e-Learning, however virtual instruction with a Live instructor is allowed.

Q. Are RigPass records forwarded to third parties?

Yes, IADC sends RigPass and Basin United training records to ISNet and retains records in IADC’s accreditation database. IADC records are Privacy-protected and GDPR compliant.

Q. Will IADC charge additional fees to RigPass providers?

Fees were waived through end of 2021. Effective January 2022, new and existing companies will be assessed either a new application fee or program modification fee respectively.

Q. My company has a third-party audit scheduled. Do we proceed with the audit?

Yes, training providers will remain on their same audit cycle and be audited to the newly revised RigPass curriculum. The audit will verify any changes or modifications to curriculum and program requirements. Please refer to the latest Program Handbook and/or Program Bulletins.

Q. Will employees be required to take more than one safety orientation?

It remains IADC’s goal to advocate for what is best for our members. We remain focused on having one safety orientation that is accepted on a global scale, RigPass. An industry SME committee diligently worked to align RigPass with Basin United’s fundamental safety orientation course.
This allows for one orientation to be delivered through IADC’s RigPass program that meets and/or exceeds requirements set by other organizations with safety orientation programs.

Q. How do I verify RigPass records?

For verification of IADC certificates, including IADC-RigPass with SafeLand endorsement records, please refer to IADC’s website:  https://iadc.org/accreditation/rigpass/#rigpass-certificates

For historical records, please email:  records@iadc.org

Q. Is there a need to replace previously issued cards containing the SafeLandUSA endorsement?

No, cards previously issued are still valid and verifiable through the IADC database. The training delivered at the time of card issuance was SafeLandUSA endorsed and the card will remain valid with that SafeLandUSA endorsement.

Q. What is the difference in SafeLandUSA and SafeLand, Inc.?

SafeLandUSA: SafeLandUSA was an Operator-led industry committee that originated as an industry representative and volunteer committee. IADC was one of its founding members. IADC was also an approved accrediting body and partner to SafeLandUSA with contributions from our Accreditation team ranging from the development of board bylaws to curriculum development.

SafeLand, Inc.: SafeLand, Inc. is NOT a program but a board.   Board members Veriforce and ETC have safety orientations, endorsed by SafeLand, Inc. (similar to IADC’s RigPass orientation). The board governance has changed since the business was registered as SafeLand, Inc. as of May 2020.

Q. Why is IADC no longer offering the SafeLandUSA endorsement?

IADC’s core values remain to support our industry’s workforce with programs that are developed based on industry needs. We continue to advocate for programs that focus on safety, competency, and value for our members.

Together with direction from IADC Onshore Advisory Panel Leadership, we determined that IADC was unable to align with the new SafeLand Inc. organizational structure and would no longer participate in the development or support of SafeLand, Inc. programs.

Q. Who can I contact for information on RigPass program requirements and accreditation?

Please email rigpass@iadc.org  or contact 713-292-1945.

Q. Who can I contact for Instructor requirements and certification information?

Please email rpInstructors@iadc.org  or contact 713-292-1945.

Q. Is IADC working collaboratively with other industry organizations or groups?

Yes. IADC has standing relationships with many industry bodies, including the Onshore Safety Alliance. For additional information, please refer to:  https://www.onshoresafetyalliance.org

Q. Does a RigPass certification have an expiration date?

Student certificates do not expire, however, Instructor certificates expire after 5 years.

Additional RigPass Information

For RigPass program information please contact the following:

Incident Statistics

IADC incident statistics reveal that rig employees on the job less than 6 months are the most likely to suffer an accident. But experienced hands are at risk, as well. Even seasoned employees can become complacent or cut corners to speed work.

IADC RigPass can make a difference.

As the industry’s leading program for safety orientation, IADC RigPass is a flexible tool to orient new hires and to reinforce safe behaviors for experienced hands.

Employers can be confident that an individual who has completed an accredited IADC RigPass or IADC RigPass-to-Go program has met basic safety orientation requirements defined by drilling-industry safety and training professionals.

IADC’s team of independent technical experts review and evaluate every IADC-accredited RigPass program. Site visits and up-to-date audit histories are central to the IADC RigPass system.

Keep your team working safely. Go RigPass today.

IADC RigPass-to-Go

Have a small training organization? Consider IADC RigPass-to-Go, pre-packaged for quick start ups. The pre-approved RigPass curriculum is suitable for delivery in the classroom.

*Additional requirements apply. Credentials are issued by the accredited training providers.


RigPass Accredited Training Providers

IADC makes every attempt to keep the information here up to date, but the status of an accredited program may change before this page can be updated. Please contact IADC if you need verification of a provider’s status.

Full accreditation may be granted to any program that, in the exclusive judgment of the Panel, meets the Criteria in a satisfactory manner.


ABC Safety Solutions, INC.

2313 West Sam Houston Parkway North, Suite 141
Houston, TX  77043  USA
Phone: +1 281-841-4895
Contact:  Anis Cehic

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English & Spanish

Accurate Safety Compliance, LLC.

2312 Pole Rd.
Moore, OK 73160 USA
Phone: +1 405-759-3720
Contact: Danny M. Thomas

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English and Spanish

Acme Truck Line, Inc.

200 Westbank Espressway
Gretna, LA 70053-5615 USA
Phone: +1 504-352-1757
Contact: Jimmie Vicknair

Accredited Ancillary Service Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

AJT Safety, LLC.

4200 East County Road 72
Midland, Texas  79705 USA
Phone: +1 432-209-2324
Contact: Leslie Wood

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English & Spanish

All Stop! Survival & Safety Training

1630 FM 1960 East
Houston, TX 77073
Phone: +1 281-809-9806
Contact: Adam Lee

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English


120 Cannon Ct.
Houma, LA 70360 USA
Phone: +1 985-223-5102
Contact: Kerry C. Lapeyrouse

Accredited Service Contractor In-House Orientation Program
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

Atlas Energy Solutions

5918 W. Courtyard Dr. Suite 500
Austin, TX  78730  USA
Phone: +724-541-7822
Contact: JP Srock

1550 Industrial Avenue
Odessa, TX  79761 USA
Phone: +915-274-7743

Accredited Service Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English

BlackFox Oil Tools

3008 Elkins Rd.
Midland, TX  79705 USA
Phone: +1 432-264-8840
Contact:  James E. Fox

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English

Beusa Energy, LLC.

1780 Hughs Landing Blvd., Suite 100
The Woodlands, TX  77380 USA
Phone: +1 832-610-0113
Contact:  James Fanning

Accredited Operator/Producer In-House Training Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Qualified for Building the Basin: Safety Leadership
Courses are delivered in English

Best Bet Safety Consulting and Services, LLC.

1307 S. Midland Dr.
Midland, TX  79703 USA
Phone: +1 432-530-7577
Contact:  Amanda Cannon

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Qualified for Building the Basin: Safety Leadership
Courses are delivered in English

Broadway Oilfield Training

9200 Broadway St. Suite 114
San Antonio, TX  78217 USA
Phone: +1 208-277-8987
Contact: Savannah Morris

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation
Courses are delivered in English

Coastal Safety, LLC.

200A Ventura Blvd.
Houma, LA  70360 USA
Phone: 985-262-4636
Contact: Brittany Blanchard

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English

Compass Well Services, LLC.

10013 West County Rd. 157
Midland, TX  79706 USA
Phone: 432-413-5463
Contact: Christopher Waters

Accredited Ancillary Service Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English

Creston Energy Group, LLC.

3720 Briar Crest Dr. Ste. 300
Bryan, TX  77802  USA
Phone: +1 979-253-0691
Contact:  Steven E. Britton

Accredited 3rd Party Training Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English

Crescent Safety Services, LLC.

3117 Melancon Road
Broussard, LA 70518  USA
Phone: 337-524-1811
Contact: Claire Schlicher

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

C T Safety, Inc.

3513 Stanolind Ave.
Midland, TX  79707 USA
Phone: +1 432-889-7152
Contact: Chris Golden

Accredited 3rd Party Safety Training Service
Qualified to Issue the Land
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English and Spanish

Cyclone Drilling Inc.

5800 Mohan Rd
Gillette, WY 82718 USA
Phone: +1 307-682-4161
Contact: Daniel McEntee

Accredited Drilling Contractor
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

Dark Horse Safety, Inc.

801 N. Main, Ste. M
Andrews, TX  79714 USA
Phone: +1 432-223-3161
Contact: Candis Ruiz

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English & Spanish

Dawson Geophysical Company

508 W. Wall Street, Suite 800
Midland, Texas 79701 USA
Phone: +1 432-684-3000
Contact: Teresa Parks

Accredited Ancillary Service In-House Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation
Courses are delivered in English & Spanish

Eagle Ford Training San Antonio

9200 Broadway St. #114
San Antonio, TX 78217 USA
Phone: +1 210-802-4026
Contact: Robert Slocum

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation
Qualified for Building the Basin: Safety Leadership
Courses are delivered in English & Spanish

Ensign Energy Services, Inc.

400 – 5th Avenue SW, Suite 100 Calgary,
Alberta T2P0L6 CANADA
Phone: +1 587-293-1322
Contact: Robert J. Raimondo

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to issue the Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English via eLearning

Ensign United States Drilling, Inc.

410 17th Street
Denver, CO 80202 USA
Phone: +1 970-284-6977
Contact: Justin K. Blohm

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
eLearning Courses are delivered in English

ESS Support Services Worldwide

207 Towncenter Parkway
Lafayette, LA 70598 USA
Phone: +1 337-233-9156
Contact: Heather Cappiello

Accredited Ancillary Service Orientation Program
Qualified to Issue the Offshore Endorsement
Courses are provided in English

Great Plains Oilfield Rental, LLC

10713 W. Sam Houston Parkway North
Houston, TX 77064
Phone: +1 281-765-7119
Contact: Pamela Wakefield

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English

Helmerich & Payne International Drilling Company

1437 South Boulder Ave
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119 USA
Phone: +1 918-588-5361
Contact: Warren Hubler

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-house Program
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are Delivered in English

Houston Community College

555 Community College
Houston, TX 77013  USA
Phone: +1 713-718-5415
Contact:  Andrew Johnson

Accredited University/Education Affiliate Program
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are Delivered in English

Huggins & Associates, Inc.

8537 Wyndham Village Drive
Houston, Texas 77040 USA
Phone: +1 713-545-1937
Contact: Charles Huggins

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation
Courses are delivered in English

Independence Contract Drilling, Inc.

11601 N. Galayda St.
Houston, Texas 77086 USA
Phone: +1 281-598-4416
Contact: Delores Jones

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English

JC Energy Services, LLC.

1150 Butler Hill Rd.
Benton, LA  71006 USA
Phone: +318-455-5890
Contact: John Jones

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Land
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English and Spanish

Jobal/Permian Safety, LLC.

1806 Hollywood Dr.
Odessa, TX  79763 USA
Phone: +1 432-556-9363
Contact: Jose Baldovinos

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Land
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English and Spanish

Key Energy Services

1301 McKinney Street, Ste. 1800
Houston, Texas 77010 USA
Phone: +1 903-808-5757
Contact: Juan M. Mora

Accredited In-House Drilling/Ancillary Service Contractor Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental and Safety Leadership
Courses are delivered in English and Spanish

KS Industries, LLC.

1602 Corrales Dr.
Carlsbad, NM  88220 USA
Phone: +1 575 208 2405
Contact: James R. Anderson

Accredited Service Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Qualified for Building the Basin: Safety Leadership
Courses are delivered in English

Latshaw Drilling Company LLC.

4500 S 129th East Ave Ste 150
Tulsa, OK 74134-5819
Phone: +1 918-236-2827
Contact: Don Caffey

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English

Learn to Drill, LLC.

5925 Almeda Road
Houston, TX 77004
Phone: +1 401-965-2498
Contact: Ruchir Shah

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
eLearning Courses are delivered in English

Lewis Resource Management

1015 W. Hwy 44
Encinal, TX  78019
Phone: +1 956-728-6074
Contact: Colin Clark

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to issue the Land Endorsement
eLearning Courses are delivered in English

M&A Safety Services, LLC

512 Viaulet Road
Youngsville, LA 70592
Phone: +1 337-451-4685
Contact: Travis J. Martin

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation
Courses are delivered in English and Virtually

Maersk Training, Inc.

15882 Diplomatic Plaza Drive, Ste 100
Houston, TX 77034
Phone: +1 281-608-6584
Contact: Danny Airhart

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation
Courses are delivered in English

MDX Safety Training, Consulting & Services Inc.

1722 Broadmoor Dr. Suite 202
Bryan, TX 77802 USA
Phone: +1 979-985-5388
Contact: Jose Leos

Accredited Traveling Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English and Spanish

Michels Corporation

817 W. Main St.
Brownsville, WI 53006 USA
Phone: +1 920-924-4300
Contact: Sean Nicholson

Accredited In-House Service Orientation Program
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

Midland College Petroleum Professional Development Center

221 N. Main St.
Midland, Texas 79701  USA
Phone: +1 432-683-2832
Contact: Erin Van Evera-Welch

Accredited University/Education Affiliate Program
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation
Courses are delivered in English

Moxie Media, Inc

1301 Dealers Avenue
New Orleans, Louisiana 70123 USA
Phone: +1 504-733-6907
Contact: Robert Stout

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English, Spanish and eLearning

Mulholland Energy Services

10308 WCR 72
Midland, Texas 79707  USA
Phone: +1 432-202-7677
Contact: Douglas Larch

Accredited Service Contractor In-House & Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Land
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation
Courses are delivered in English

Nabors Drilling USA, LP

515 West Greens Road
Houston, TX 77067 USA
Phone: +1 281-775-2453
Contact: Michael Araj

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English & Spanish

Nabors Offshore Corporation

4400 W Admiral Doyle Drive
New Iberia, Louisiana 77560 USA
Phone: +1 337-359-333
Contact: John Portier

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to Issue the Offshore Endorsement
Courses are Delivered in English

NexTier Oilfield Solutions

3990 Rogerdale Road
Houston TX 77042 USA
Phone: +1 832-839-4873
Contact: Sheila Ann Mitchell

Accredited Operator/Producer Company In-House Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English

Norton Energy Drilling LLC.

107 Industrial Drive
Levelland, Texas 79336 USA
Phone: +1 806-782-8145
Contact: Dean Crowell

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English and Spanish

Odessa College

2714 Robertson
Odessa, TX  79764 USA
Phone: +1 432-335-6816
Contact: Kristi Pruitt

Accredited University/Education Affiliate Program
Qualified to Issue the Land
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation
Courses are delivered in English

Oil State Energy Services

3120 Melcat Drive
Oklahoma City, OK 73179 USA
Phone: +1 405-403-3727
Contact: Ashton D. Mowdy

Accredited Ancillary Service Contractor In-house Program
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English and Virtually

Omega Evaluation Center

1111 E. Idel St.
Tyler, TX  75701 USA
Phone: +1 903-526-2718
Contact: Hector Guevara

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English

Parker Drilling Company

1110 Unifab Road
New Iberia, Louisiana 70560 USA
Phone: +1 337-373-6230
Contact: Erin Latiolais

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Bahasa, English, Russian, and Spanish

Patterson – UTI Drilling Company, LLC

4510 Lamesa Highway
Snyder, Texas 79549
Phone: +1 325-574-6300
Contact: Pamela Wakefield

Accredited Drilling Contractor
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English

Patterson-UTI Management Services, LLC

10713 W. Sam Houston Parkway North
Houston, TX 77064
Phone: +1 281-765-7119
Contact: Pamela Wakefield

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to issue the Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

PetroEd Multimedia, Inc.

2503 Robinhood, Suite 200
Houston, Texas 77005 USA
Phone: +1 713-461-5200
Contact: Gregory Bihn

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English, Spanish and eLearning

Pintail Safety, LLC.

1772 NE Loop
Carthage, TX  75633 USA
Phone: +1 903-392-1454
Contact: Kent Jackson II

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Land
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English

Power Standard, LLC.

2120 N. Hwy 385
Andrews, Texas  79714  USA
Phone: +1 432-523-2046
Contact: April Rosas

Accredited Service Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English

Precision Drilling Oilfield Services Corporation

14041 Vickery Dr.
Houston, TX 77032 USA
Phone: +1 281-227-1344
Contact: Michelle Burns

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation
Courses are delivered in English

Primary Utility Services, LLC.

1505 Rogers Street
Snyder, Texas  79549 USA
Phone: +1 806-368-7930
Contact: Arthur Hernandez

Accredited Ancillary Service In-House Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English

Pro Star Safety Services

1165 Wall Toad
Broussard,  LA 70518 USA
Phone: +1 337-298-0001
Contact: Michael W. Smith

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Onshore and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

Profrac Services, LLC

333 Shops Boulevard, Suite 301
Willow Park, TX 76087 USA
Phone: +1 254-334-9092
Contact: Terrance Paul Kaster

Accredited Ancillary Service Organization
Qualified to issue the Land
Courses are delivered in English

R2M Engineering, LLC.

5012 50th Street, Suite 204
Lubbock, TX  79414 USA
Phone: +1 806-783-9944
Contact: Sean Finkbone

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English

Ranger Energy Services

10350 Richmond Avenue, Suite 550
Houston, TX 77042 USA
Phone: +1 605-787-2280
Contact: Kelly Lipp

Accredited Ancillary Service Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English

RelyOn Nutec USA, LLC

15621 Blue Ash Drive
Houston, Texas 7790 USA
Phone: +1 281-874-8700

209 Clendenning Road
Houma, LA 70363 USA
Phone: +1 985-223-3765

3660 Lormand Drive
Maurice, LA 70555 USA
Phone: +1 985-892-5154

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are Delivered in English and Spanish


200 Perimeter Road
Lafayette, LA 70508
Phone: +1 985-868-1860
Contact: Ashley Blanchard

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
eLearning Courses are delivered in English and Spanish


515 West Greens Road
Houston, TX 77067 USA
Phone: +1 281-775-8447
Contact: Ernest Yukl

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English, Arabic and Spanish

Rig Wranglers, LLC.

5947 S. Hwy 281
Alice, TX 78333 USA
Phone: +1 361-227-0776
Contact: Jaime Castillo

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Land
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English and Spanish

RST Global Solutions Group

12144 Dairy Ashford Rd. Suite 300
Sugar Land, Texas 77478 USA
Phone: +1 713-960-7535
Contact: Michael Mathena

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

Safety Compliance Services, Inc

103 Charbonnet Road
Duson, LA  70529 USA
Phone: +1 337-896-6899
Contact: Richard R. Guillory

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English & Spanish

Safe Hands EHS Consulting

5301 Cholla Rd.
Midland, TX  79706 USA
Phone: +1 432-528-4237
Contact: Julio Martinez

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Qualified for Building the Basin: Safety Leadership
Courses are delivered in English & Spanish

Safety Plus, LLC.

1410 College Ave.
Snyder, TX  79549 USA
Phone: +1 325-436-2022
Contact: James Jenkins Jr.

Accredited Commercial Training and In-house Ancillary Service Contractor Program
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are Delivered in English

Safety Management Systems Training Academy

2916 N.University
Lafayette, Louisiana 70507 USA
Phone: +1 337-291-4124
Contact: April A. Revels

Accredited In-house Ancillary Service Contractor Program
Qualified to issue the Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

Stag Safety, LLC.

4000 Haslet Roanoke Rd.
Roanoke, TX  76262 USA
Phone: +1 817-721-9326
Contact: Brandon McCurry

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Qualified for Buidling the Basin: Leadership
Courses are delivered in English and Spanish

Taylors International Services, Inc.

2301 South College
Lafayette, LA  70508 USA
Phone: +1 337-254-5558
Contact: Nicholas Mayon

Accredited Ancillary Service Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to Issue Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

Titan Directional Drilling

8812 Fawn Trail
Conroe, TX  77385 USA
Phone: +1 832-319-4676
Contact: Priscilla Nguyen

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

TNT Crane and Rigging

9112 West Cr. 127
Midland, Texas  79706 USA
Phone: +1 316-249-9744
Contact: Daniel Archer

Accredited Operator/Producer In-House Program
Qualified to issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English

Universal Pressure Pumping, Inc.

10713 W. Sam Houston Parkway North
Houston, TX 77064  USA
Phone: +1 281-765-7119
Contact: Belinda Harmon

Accredited Service Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English

Warrior Energy Services Corp.

5801 Highway 90 East
Broussard, LA 70518 USA
Phone: +1 337-714-2400
Contact: Lisa Migues

Accredited Service Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

Weatherford International – United States

21728 Rosedale Hwy
Bakersfield, CA 93314 USA
Phone: +1 661-431-2773
Contact: Jennette Buentiempo

Accredited In-House Ancillary Service Contractor Program
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation with RigPass
Courses are delivered in English

West Texas Safety Training Center

11900 W I-20 E
Odessa, TX 79765 USA
Phone: +1 432-563-3067
Contact: Vicki Watkins

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation and Safety Leadership
Courses are delivered in English and Spanish

Wilbanks Trucking Services, LLC.

11246 Lovington Hwy
Artesia, NM  88210 USA
Phone: +1 575-616-2049
Contact: Shane Phipps

Accredited Service Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation
Courses are delivered in English

Wilson Training Center

7803 Palomino Ct.
Elmendorf, TX  78112  USA
Phone: +1 210-760-5837
Contact:  Harold Leonard Wilson

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation
Courses are delivered in English

WolfPack Industries, USA

6610 FM 359S, Suite 650
Fulshear,  TX  77441 USA
Phone: +1 346-707-0012
Contact: Edward Keppler

Accredited Service Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Qualified for Building the Basin: Fundamental Safety Orientation
Courses are delivered in English

Latin America


Boulevard Lazaro Cardenas 1920
Colonia Palma Sola 93320 Mexico
Phone: +017828229827
Contact: Freddy Bautista Cruz

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to issue the Offshore and Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Agencia de Formacion, Consultoria y Certificaciones de MX, SC.

Revolucion 801, Dpto 202
Col. Centro
Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz 96400  Mexico
Phone: +01 921 1164454
Contact: Rene Navarro Martinez

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to issue the Offshore and Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Acme Capacitacion y Servicios de Mejora S.A. de C.V.

Av. Corregidora #11, Colonia Aeropuerto
Ciudad del Carmen,  Campeche 24119  Mexico
Phone: +52 938-1704663
Contact: Zaira Romanita Cortes Tlapa

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to issue the Offshore and Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish


KM 11+700, Fracc. San Joaquin Finca
San Antonio del Limon
Ciudad del Carmen,  Campeche 24157  Mexico
Phone: +938 3851960
Contact: Eduardo Nivon Mendoza

Accredited Commercial and Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to issue the Offshore and Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Asesoria en Seguridad Industrial S.C.

Calle 34 No. 154 Entre Calle 33 y Calle 31, Col Centro
Ciudad Del Carmen, Campeche 24100 Mexico
Phone: +011 52938 1061979
Contact: Enrique Javier Guzman Rodriguez

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Asesoria y Consultoria en Seguridad Industrial y Maritima S.A. de C.V.

Avenida Paez Urquida No. 109 Col Santa Margarita
Ciudad Del Carmen, Campeche 24100 Mexico
Phone: +011 529381585732
Contact: Sergio Camarillo Aguirre

Accredited Ancillary Service Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Avalz Proveedora S.A. de C.V.

Calle Simon Sarlat 116, Colonia Centro
Villahermosa, Tabasco 86000 MEXICO
Phone: +52 993 1604859
Contact: Juan Jose De La Cruz Avalos

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

BIOSFERA Seguridad Industrial y Proteccion Ambiental

Paraiso Tabasco 86605 Mexico
Phone: +52 93333 32534
Contact: Mr Eulalio Daniel Gomez Hernandez

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Capacitacion Asertiva del Sureste

Flor de Canela #101, Villa Floresta
Villahermosa, Tabasco 86284 Mexico
Phone: +52 01 993 1314387
Contact: Jorge Ivan Ruz Gomez

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English & Spanish

Capinser Capacitacion Industrial y Servicios de Veracruz SA DE CV

Av De Las Americas Lote 2
Loc 13 Col Electricistas
Veracruz Veracruz Llave 91916 Mexico
Phone: +52 229 293 7121
Contact: Manuel Acevedo

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Centro de Capacitacion y Multiservicios S.A. DE C.V. (CCAPYM)

Calle 28 No. 176 Colonia Cantro
Ciudad Del Carmen Campeche 24100 Mexico
Phone: +52 01 938 3813769
Contact: Roberta Montero Munoz

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Centro Evaluador y de Capacitaciones

Calle 5 Num. 23, Fraccionmiento Alura
Merida, Yucatan  97305 Mexico
Phone: +52 999 2107882
Contact: Juan Francisco Marquez Lara

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Chet Morrison Contractors S. de R.L. de C.V.

Avenida Donato Casas 1504 Interior 201
Colonia Adalberto Tejada entre J.P. Moreno y Articulo 27
Boca del Rio, Veracruz 94298 Mexico
Phone: +52 01 2291 191633
Contact: Jose Fermin Lara Morales

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to issue the Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

CIA Javier Cantu Barragan

Libramiento Monterrey/Matamoros Km 6
Reynosa, Tamaulipas 88756 Mexico
Phone: +52 8991606067
Contact: Raul de Jesus Orta Monrreal

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to Issue the the Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Consejo Colombiano de Seguridad

CRA 20 No 39-52
Bogota, Cundinamarca Colombia
Phone: +01157-288-6355 ext 202
Contact: Guillermo Alejandro Cubillos

Accredited Non-Profit Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land & Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Consultores Integrales en Seguridad, Higiene, Ambiente y Calidad (CISHAC)

Urb. 19 de Abril, Calle Campo Elias #33
Mariara Edo. Carabobo 2001 Venezuela
Phone:+58 416 892 2738
Contact: Gerson Sevilla

Fully Accredited Commercial Traveling Training Program
Qualified to issue the Offshore and Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish and English

Consultoria en Servicio y Bienes Empresariales IPA

Calle Quintin Arauz No. 203 Altos, Col Centro
Paraiso, Tabasco  86500
Phone: +01 933-107-4045
Contact: Ulises Lopez Carrion

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Consultorias y Capacitaciones S.A.S de S.V.

Cerrada Calle Adrian Pons Ramirez, S/N, Colonia Melchor Ocampo
Cardenas, Tabasco  86500
Phone: +01 937 374 4771
Contact: Freddy De Los Santos Ramos

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

CSIYC Capacitacion, Servicios Industriales y Consultoria

Brecha Ex Aguila 8 B Col Deportiva
Cerro Azul, Veracruz 92514 Mexico
Phone: + 985-100-2632
Contact: Ing. Juan Luis Martinez

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are Delivered in Spanish

Entrenadores TSA S&SO S.A.S.

Calle 25A No. 18-08 Barrio Dos Mil Bajo
Villavicencio, META COLOMBIA
Phone: +57 312 5095583
Contact: Adriana Rubio Torres

Accredited Operator/Producer Company In-House Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Estrella International Energy

Carrera 17 No. 93 A02 Piso 2
Bogota Cundinamarca 110221 COLOMBIA
Phone: +57 1 6226788 Ext. 1172
Contact: Fredy Otalora Barragan

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish


Cuernavaca No. 5, Col Condesa
Distrito Federal 06140 Mexico
Phone: +52-55-524-16200
Contact: Capt. Alt. Marco Antonio Vinaza Martinez

Accredited University/Education Affiliate Program
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Felco Energy Solution, S.A. de C.V.

Privada Telt. Mz. 2 LT. 85, Club Residencial Acozac
Ixtapaluca, Estado de Mexico 56537  Mexico
Phone: +52-993-2780886
Contact: Francisco Soriano Guerrero

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English and Spanish

FYC Multiservicios Generales Industriales S.A. de C.V.

Prol. Av. del Maestro Numero Hidalgo KM 104
Reynosa, Tamaulipas 88747 Mexico
Phone: +52 899 4132120
Contact: Jose Luis Cordova Solis

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land & Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Geal Servicios Integrales S.A. de C.V.

Calle Dr. Manuel Velasco Suarez S/N
Col. Francisco Villa Zona 3
Reforma, Chiapas  29500 Mexico
Phone: +917-4022216
Contact: Hugo Dominguez Marquez

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Grupo Avanzza de Mexico S.A. de C.V.

Calle 35 No. 78 Colonia Tila
Ciudad Del Carmen, Campeche 24170 Mexico
Phone: +938 382 0850
Contact: Luis Anaya Landa

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English and Spanish

Grupo Varcus S.A. de C.V.

Calle Cedros 220
Colonia Lago Ilusiones
Villahermosa, Tabasco 86040 MEXICO
Phone: +993 3146505
Contact: Rodrigo Clemente Candelero

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Halliburton de Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V.

Avenida Paseo La Choca 5A, Fracc La Choca
Villahermosa, Tabasco 86037 MEXICO
Phone: +52 993 591 0704
Contact: Jose Guillermo Sampayo

Accredited Drilling Contractor Program
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

HSE Ecuador C.L.

Riobamba, Veloz 40-20 y Carlos Zambrano
Riobamba, Chimborazo 060102 Ecuador
Phone: +593 099932937
Contact: Marlon Fabricio Lara Guilcapi

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Instituto de Capacitacion y Vinculacion Tecnologica del Estado de Chipas

Calle Chihuahua y Aguascalientes S/N Manzana R71 Lote S/N
Col. Adolfo Lopez Mateos Zona V-A
Reforma, Chiapas 29500 MEXCIO
Phone: +015529192229
Contact: Ricardo Daniel Garduño Barrera

Accredited Nonprofit Training Organization
Qualified to Issue Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Instituto Tecnico del Petroleo ITP Training School

Carrera 15, No 93-75, Office 413
Bogota, Cundinamarca Colombia
Phone: +57 170 45897
Contact: Gabriel Plazas

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish and English

Instituto Tecnico Petroleo Minas E Industria IT

Av. Gaspar de Villarroel E10-121, Ave 6 de Dic.
Quito Pichincha 170504  ECUADOR
Phone: +593987064250
Contact: Golda Meir Rodriguez Espinoza

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

International Training Services

Av Cra 45 97-50 Oficina 802, Edificio Porto – 100
Phone: +57 1 6915269
Contact: Julio C. Ochoa Ochoa

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

JSP Proyeccion Tecnologica de Mexico S.A. de C.V.

Blancas Mariposas 108
Fracc Real Del Angel
Villahermosa, Tabasco 86159 MEXCIO
Phone: +52 01993 1860725
Contact: Samantha Alexander Guzman Vidal

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Lerisa Ingenieria y Servicios S.A. de C.V.

Calle Mariano Arista Street 424-B
Colonia Centro
Comalcalco, Tabasco 86300 MEXCIO
Phone: +52 993-1924322
Contact: Irving Alan Lezama Ricardez

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish and English

Maelf Oil Services S.A. de C.V.

Calle Once Numero 121, Col. La Manga II
Villahermosa, Tabasco 86069 Mexico
Phone: +01993 3550453
Contact: Manuel Alejandro Cornelio Cadena

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Maniobras Especializadas GSC, S.A. de C.V.

Carretera Villahermosa-Cardenas km 0.8
Rancheria Anacieto Canabal
Villahermosa Tabasco 86280 MEXICO
Phone: +933 339 0000
Contact: Juan Manuel Garza Adame

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Materiales y Equipo Petrolero S.A. de C.V.

Carretera A Lomitas Km 0 250 S/N
Col El Cedro 3Ra Seccion
Nacajuca Tabasco 86220 Mexico
Phone: +938 120 4617

Accredited In-House Ancillary Service
Qualified to issue the Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Nabors Drilling International LTD – Latin America

Carretera Carmen – Pto Real Km 13.5
Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche C.P. 24327 Mexico
Phone: +1 281 775 8531
Contact: Samuel Torres

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English and Spanish

OFS Servicios S.A. de C.V.

Carr. Villahermosa-Cardenas Km 5.5
R/A Anacleto Canabal 1a Seccion
Villahermosa, Tabasco 86280 MEXICO
Phone: +9932791698
Contact: Monica Ivonne Herrera Cruz

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Oil Field Training and Certification S.A. de C.V.

Carretera Federal Coatzacoalcos-Villhermosa, KM.165
R/A Anacieto Canabal 1RA Seccion, Edificio A. Depto. 301
Villahermosa, Tabasco 86280 Mexcio
Phone: +993 433-2120
Contact: Luis Alejandro Hernandez

Accredited University Affiliated Organization
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

PAVA Asociados S.A. de C.V.

Calle Niños Heroes 178A, Colonia Atasta
Villahermosa, TB  Mexico 86100
Phone: +993 1615763
Contact: Mr. Felipe Benjamin Pacheco Valdez

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Paymun S.A. de C.V.

Calle San Francisco, Esquina con Aurora
Comalcalco, TB  Mexico 86357
Phone: +933 117 8721
Contact: Mr. Rafain Perez Perez

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Prevention World QHSE SAS

Carrera 6 42-30
Neiva Huila 410001 Colombia
Phone: +57 8874 5516
Contact: Mr. Diego Fernando Trujillo

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Prohiseg S.A. de C.V.

Calle Estatuto Juridico #316, Fracc.
Adolfo Lopez Mateos, C.P. 86040
Villahermosa, Tabasco Mexico
Phone: +993 314 9513
Contact: Nelson Enoch Martinez Martinez

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Q-Training & Supplies SAS

Calle 82 11-37, Oficina-205
Edificio Confianza
Bogota, Cundinamarca, COLOMBIA
Phone: +57 315 3512173
Contact: Francisco Quintero

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Quality Servicios Empresariales S.A. de C.V.

Calle 34 Numero 143, Col Centro
Ciudad Del Carmen Campeche MEXICO
Phone: +52 93815 32278
Contact: Elvira Leon Ceron

Accredited Commercial Training Organization Program
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Quintana WellPro

Manzana I-2 Pin Oeste
Neuquen, Neuquen 8300  ARGENTINA
Phone: +54 9 299 5328082
Contact: Karina Narvate

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to issue the Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

RelyOn Nutec de Mexico S.A.P.I. de C.V.

Central Poniente S/N Puerto Pesquero
Ciudad Del Carmen Campeche 24129 Mexico
Phone: +52 938 131 2260
Contact: Jorge Ulises Nofrietta Russell

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land & Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish and English

Results in Performance S.A. de C.V.

Carmen Cadena de Buendia No. 128
Colonia Nueva Villhermosa
Villahermosa, Tabasco  86070 Mexico
Phone: +52 999 357 8332
Contact: Leonardo Cuellar Chala

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land & Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Safe Martin Capacitaciones, S.C.

Calle Carlos A. Madrazo No. 107
Colonia Solidaridad
Comalcalco, Tabasco 86323 MEXICO
Phone: +933 337 0106
Contact: Martin Aguilar Jauregui

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Servicios Estrategicos en Capacitacion Y Asesoria Empresarial S.A de C.V. (SECAE)

Av Nardos No. 71
Fracc Puente de la Unidad
Cuidad del Carmen, Campeche 24154 MEXICO
Phone: +01 152 938 384 1305
Contact: Juan Angel Chavez Vargas

Fully Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Servicios de Capacitacion Para la Industria

Cedro 116 Pte Fracc Los Fresnos
Reynosa, Tamaulipas 86690 MEXICO
Phone: +52 899 9552002
Contact: Miguel Roberto Nino De La Garza

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Servicios Industriales May-Ross S.A. DE C.V.

Calle Miguel Hidalgo 103
Col Tamulte de las Barranas
Villahermosa, Tabasco 86150 MEXICO
Phone: + 993 351 1131
Contact: Erik Eduardo Dionisio May

Accredited Commercial Training Organization Program
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Servicios Integrales GSM/Meyer & Associates Health, Safety & Environment Management System

Avenida 27 de febrero #1733, Colonia Atasta de Serra C.P.
Villahermosa, Tabasco 86110 MEXICO
Phone: +52 993 313 2251
Contact: Jose Manuel Diaz Perez

Accredited In-house Drilling Contractor Program
Qualified to issue the Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Servicios PJP4 de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.

Avenida Paseo de las Palmas 755
Lomas Chapultepec IV Seccion
Ciudad de Mexico,  Mexico 11000 MEXICO
Phone: + 521 899 107 4855
Contact: Juan Carlos Restifo Aponte

Accredited Service Contractor In-house Program
Qualified to issue the Land & Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

SIIGI S.A. de C.V.

Calle Turín, Manzana 6 Lote 29 Colonia La Gloría
Villahermosa, Tabasco 86170 MEXICO
Phone: + 521 993 242 7062
Contact: Juan Ignacio Vega Sanchez

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

SISEMHL Consultores

Prol Paseo Usumacinta 04, Depto 02
R/a Anacleto Canabal 3ra Sec
Villahermosa, Tabasco C.P. 86103 MEXICO
Phone: +52 993 139 6499
Contact Alberto Ruiz or Lina Roman

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Training Consultor’s

Carrera 45 A #127 94
Barrio Tierra Linda
Bogota Colombia
Phone: +011 571 3125893518
Contact: Marcelo Emilio Zavala Arguelles

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Transportes Loro S.A. de C.V.

Libramiento Monterrey Matamoros
1000 Colonia Mitras
Reynosa, Tamaulipas 88690 Mexico
Phone: +52 8999 265 720 Ext. 122
Contact: Fernando Cesar Lozano Rodriguez

Accredited Transportation Service In-House Program
Qualified to issue the Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Tuscany South America LTD Surcursal Colombia

Avenida Cr 9 Numero 115-06 Oficina 2701
Bogota Cundinamarca Colombia
Phone: +57 600 0006
Contact: Mr. Carlos Abdon Cortes Lopez

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to issue the Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Velmondrill S.A. DE C.V.

Revolucion 215-B Colonia Gil y Saenz
Villahermosa, Tabasco 86080 MEXICO
Phone: + 993 202-5092
Contact: Sandro Velez Montejo

Accredited Commercial Training Organization Program
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Versatility Training & Consulting S.A. de C.V.

Parque Logistico Industrial, Calle San Jose, Bodega No. 9
Col. Anacleto Canabal 4TA Seccion
Villahermosa, Tabasco 86287 MEXICO
Phone: + 52 993 109-1716
Contact: Daniel Theodor Peterson Rossenqvist

Accredited Commercial Training Organization Program
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish

Well Control Consulting & Services

Calle Zurriago E8-28 y Av. De los Shyris
Quito, Quito  170505   ECUADOR
Phone: +0979 195567
Contact: Ana Chalco

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English and Spanish

Well Control International S.A.

Alsina 577-PB-Depto 1
Phone: +584 297 444 5716
Contact: Alberto Spada

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English, Spanish and eLearning

World Training Services S.A. de C.V.

Ave Ballena No. 5 Entre Juarez Y Pargo
Col Justo Sierra CP
Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche 24114 Mexico
Phone: +52 938 384 2500
Contact: Reyna Pat Navarrete

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Spanish and English


Grup Servicii Petroliere Training LTD

Constanta Port, Berth 34, Training Center, Room 107
Constanta ROMANIA 900900
Phone: +40 241 555 255
Contact: Mitrut Caraivan

Accredited Drilling Contractor
Qualified to issue the Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English and Romanian

O&G Safety Training UK LTD

Chelston House, 103, Newton Road
Swansea, West Glamorgan SA3-4BN  UK
Phone: +07775422156
Contact: Matthew Churne

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Onshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

RelyOn Nutec UK

Foinavon Close, Aberdeen Airport East, Dyce
Aberdeen,  Aberdeen  AB21 7EG  UK
Phone: +44 (0)1224 572709
Contact: Lauren Horgan

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

SC Rigs & Equipments SRL

1121 D Sat Paulesti, Str. Magnoliei, NR 20
Comuna Paulesti, Prahova,  ROMANIA  107403
Phone: +40721526987
Contact: Dorin Dinu

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Onshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English


Beijing Xinbo International Petroleum Technical Service Company

Room 512, No. 2 Building-Greenland Plaza
Shunyi District
Beijing 101318 CHINA
Phone: + 86 10 88891151
Contact: Zhonghui Li

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English and Mandarin

CrewPetro Private Limited

No. 2, 3rd Floor, Opp, Nagalpur Bus Stop
Ahmedabad-Mehsana Highway
Mehsana, Gujarat 384002 INDIA
Phone: +91-8767605879
Contact: Saahsha Agarwal

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

Daqing Well Control Training Center of China

No. 3 Yinhai Road
Daquing City
Heilongjiang Province, CHINA
Phone: +0086 459 5603927
Contact: Li Haixin

Accredited In-house Drilling Contractor Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Mandarin and English

Dagang Drilling Well Control

Hongqi Road Dagang Oil Field
Dagang District
Tianjin Tianjin 300061 CHINA
Phone: +0086 22 25911204
Contact: Jianxin Wang

Accredited In-house Drilling Contractor Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Mandarin

Dynamic Drilling & Services PVT. LTD.

A-8th Floor, The Summit Business Bay
Prakashwadi, Andheri (East)
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400051 INDIA
Phone: +91-22-61536700
Contact: Anirudhha Pattnaik

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to Issue Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

Falcon Multi Services Ltd

B-104 Business Point Pali Ram Road
Off S.V. Road
Mumbai Maharashtra 400058 INDIA
Phone: +91889800915
Contact: Akshay Yadav

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to Issue Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

Instice Safety Training Institute and Consultancy

Kawar Springs Compound, Building 504/1, Office No. 3
Survey 60/1, Old Mumbai Pune Highway, Panvel
District-Raigad, Maharashtra  410221  INDIA
Phone: +919-30877288
Contact: Siddesh Bhoi

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to Issue Onshore and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

John Energy Limited

101, Shapath III, Near GNFC Tower
S.G. Highway, Bodakdev
Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380054 INDIA
Phone: +971 241 1100
Contact: Bibhesh Bera

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-house Program
Qualified to issue the Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English and Hindi

Petromentor International Education Co., Ltd.

2F #9 Chaolai High Tech Domain Park
No. 1 Laiguangying Middle Road
Chaoyang District
Beijing Beiging 100101 CHINA
Phone: +86 188 1080 4985
Contact: Xuefeng Chen

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English and Mandarin

Rig World Multi Services PVT LTD

2 and 3 Third Flr, Four D Square Mall
Above Titan Showroom, Molera
Ahmedabad Gujarat 382424 INDIA
Contact: Ajay Verma
Phone: +91 9724436644

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

Rutledge E & P Ltd

34 Toh Guan Road East,
Unit 12 Enterprise Hub
Singapore 608579 SINGAPORE
Phone: +65 6515 0050
Contact: Azmi Jalid Kadir

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Offshore and Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

Sky Plus For Consulting Company

Refahiye Mah. Necmettin Cevheri Blv.
Sanli A-1 No: 22 IÇ Kapi No: 3
Haliliye,  Sanliurfa   63050  TURKEY
Phone: +91 9606358952
Contact: Rebesh Sukumaran

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Offshore and Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

Training Center of Shengli Oil Services Co., LTD.

No. 15 Heping Road
Dongying, Shandong 257064 CHINA
Phone: +86 546-8723592
Contact: Xun Li

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English & Mandarin

Middle East/Africa

5M International Consultancy & Training

Office-5, Ahmadi Center Building
St. 400, Block 7, Ahmadi East
Kuwait, Kuwait
Phone: +965 66066346
Contact: Sanuj Subair

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

AIMS-SMTC Training Center Limited

Al-Khobar/Dammam Highway
Al Khobar Eastern 31952 SAUDI ARABIA
Phone: +966 13877 1767
Contact: Amin Aznizan

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

ARO Drilling

Al Othman Office, 17th Floor, Al Khobar
Al Khobar Eastern Province SAUDIA ARABIA 31952
Phone: +966 13 81 33543
Contact: Sami Abdulrahman Al Sharikh

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to issue the Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

Elite Offshore Pvt. Ltd.

G-6 Platform Level, Towel 3, Belapur Railway Station Complex
Sector-11, CBD Belapur
Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra  400614  INDIA
Phone: +969 9272855
Contact: Rajeev Kumar

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to issue the Onshore and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

Gulf Technical & Safety Training Centre

12th Street, Musaffa Industrial Area
Musaffah,  Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Phone: +971 241-20101
Contact: Mario Nahas

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to issue the Onshore and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

Halliburton – Iraq

Oil Operations Street, Halliburton Camp
Western Burjesia Area, District #29
Basra, IRAQ
Phone: + 00964 780913 5336
Contact: Anton Golikov

Accredited Drilling Contractor Program
Qualified to issue the Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English and Arabic

IMEX International

Al-Anoud Shopping Complex Office 422
Mekka St
Fahaheel, 63004 KUWAIT
Phone: +96523924586
Contact: Asiim Ali Sakhawat

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

International Inspection Centre Co. WLL

Block #6, Plot No. 142
East Ahmadi  54573 KUWAIT
Phone: +965-9662 0855
Contact: Sonu George

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

M/S Offshore Drilling International PVT. LTD.

1308 Ellora Fiesta
Jui Nagar, Sanpada
Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400705  INDIA
Phone: +91-7060007888
Contact: Amit Kumar Tripathi

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

NAYA For Engineering Services & Training

Al Woufood Street – NAYA Building
Basra, Basrah 61001  IRAQ
Phone: + 964-7805-600000
Contact: Khaldoun Suliman

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

Neft Energies

Energy Center Before DHL
Prince Sultan Road
Al-Khobar 31952  SAUDI ARABIA
Phone: + 966 1388-77665
Contact: Bashaar A. Alidi

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English and Arabic

Petroleum Training & Consultancy Services

B-Wing, 6th Floor, Venues & Avenues
Mangalya Bldg, Off. Marol Maroshi Road
Mumbai, Maharastra 400059 INDIA
Phone: + 91 22 29206857
Contact: K. N. Pillai

Accredited Commercial Training Organization Program
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

Proximity W.L.L.

Building No. 91, Block 7
East Ahmadi, Kuwait 61005
Phone: +965 2398 3888
Contact: Ruel Reynold Amanna

3900 Essex Lane, Ste. 1111
Houston, Texas 77027
Email: ganjineh@cyrustc.com

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to issue the Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

Rigsafe Iraq Training Services (RITS)

DQWO Camp, CNPC Rumaila Complex
Rumaila Oilfiled
Basra, IRAQ
Phone: + 00964 078167 04034
Contact: Dapeng Qin

Accredited Ancillary Service Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to issue the Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

Royal Oilfield Logistics Services & Supplies

Commodore Office Suites 2A & 2B – Second Floor
Kindaruma Road, End of Wood Avenue
Kilimani, Nairobi KENYA
Phone: +254 726 477779
Contact: Mary Wangui

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to issue the Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

Saudi Arabian Drilling Academy

King Fahd Rd. Dammam-Al-Hassa Highway
Abqaiq-2574 Al Basatin Distric, Unit 4
Buqayq, Eastern Province, SAUDI ARABIA
Phone: +966554274049
Contact: Fouz Abdullah Abuzaid

Accredited Non-profit Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

Saudi Aramco Nabors Drilling SANAD

Turn right from Road 95 to 40 and drive 22km
P.O. Box 2850
Al Khobar, EP  Saudi Arabia
Phone: +966 138 069413
Contact: Leonard Coy Wilcox

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Program
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English, Spanish and Arabic

Saudi Petroleum Service Polytechnic SPSP

Prince Metib Road, Al Nuzha
Dammam, EP  Saudi Arabia
Phone: +966 138 667191
Contact: Abdelalim Morshedy

Accredited Nonprofit Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

Solid Rock Life and Business

Kawaga Close, Kalungi Road
Muyenga Kampala, UGANDA
Phone: +256 414671426
Contact: Franklin Bouguep

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English


BP 304 Industrial Zone
Hassi Messaoud, Ouargla
Phone: + 213 2974 9801
Contact: Ahmed Benmansour

Accredited Drilling Contractor In-House Training Program
Qualified to Issue the Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in Arabic and English

Tolmann Allied Services Company Limited

Plot 7B Trans Amadi Ind. Layout
Port Harcourt, River 00176 NIGERIA
Phone: +234 08033129962
Contact: Emmanuel Onyekwena

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to issue the Offshore and Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

Tutis International

Al Anood Complex 6th Floor
Office No. 603 Mecca St.
Fahaheel  61004  KUWAIT
Phone: +965 69333367
Contact: Chanassery Antony Devassykutty

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to issue the Land Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English

Vyas Well Control School and Consultancy Services

502 & 503 Span Landmark Building
Andheri East, Near Apple Heritage
Chakala, Andheri East, Mumbai Maharashtra, 400093 INDIA
Phone: + 92 512894940
Contact: Ramdayal Vyas

Accredited Commercial Training Program
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English and Hindi

Wataniya Environmental Services Company (WES)

Munarak Alkabeer St, Mubarak Alkabeer Tower
Kuwait 277881 Safat 13135 KUWAIT
Phone: +00965 60680254
Contact Ameera Eid

Accredited Commercial Training Organization
Qualified to Issue the Land and Offshore Endorsement
Courses are delivered in English and Arabic

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IADC provides web links as a member service. IADC does not warranty or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any of the information, content, or advertisements contained on websites linked to IADC.org or any of its subsidiary pages.

RigPass Training Provider Resources

Accredited and pending RigPass® training providers may use the link below to access important documents, forms, and other important communications that may affect your program.

Need Help? Contact your IADC Program Coordinator.

IADC provides web links as a member service. IADC does not warranty or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any of the information, content, or advertisements contained on websites linked to IADC.org or any of its subsidiary pages.

IADC Certificates of Completion

Everyone who successfully completes an IADC accredited course must be issued a Certificate of Completion. The completion certificate or wallet card may be issued electronically or printed in-house. Certificates may only be issued by training providers whose accreditation is in good standing at the time of the course.

Need to verify the validity of an IADC Certificate of Completion?

Unable to find your record below?  Please email records@iadc.org or call +1 713 600 1848 for assistance.

To verify the validity of an IADC Certificate of Completion, you may also send an email to records@iadc.org. Please include a copy of the certificate, if available. If no certificate is available, your request should include the students name and the IADC certificate number.

Need Help? Contact your IADC Program Coordinator.