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Video Interview with Author Les Skinner on New Book – “Well Integrity for Abandoned Well Re-entries”

In the video below, Fred Growcock, Chair of the IADC Technical Publications Committee, interviews author Les Skinner about his book Well Integrity for Abandoned Well Re-entries from Elsevier.

Well Integrity for Abandoned Well Re-entries addresses well integrity and operational risks that accompany the benefits of using an old and abandoned wellbore by providing it a second chance to perform. Re-entering an abandoned well provides new life to an old wellbore by reducing the need for drilling new wells. This, in turn, reduces emissions footprint, drilling waste, and costs for some wells. The book covers well integrity basics, abandoned wells, analysis required for re-entry, and potential uses for re-entered wells (including applications for EOR, CO2 EOR with sequestration, natural gas storage, geothermal heat recovery, and much more.)

Packed with case studies and tips for practical application, this book provides readers with an understanding of re-entry techniques, pitfalls, and diagnostics to determine well integrity. This novel text digs deep into the process and benefits of re-entering abandoned wells in support of sustainability.

This book will be published on 1 September 2024. 

DrillingIN Book Review: Well Integrity for Abandoned Well Re-entries