The Incident Statistics Program (ISP) assists in the drilling industry's efforts to improve transparency in reporting on land-based and offshore drilling rigs by providing data on incident trends and rates.
The data contained in IADC's ISP is submitted voluntarily and is audited by IADC's Quality Assurance Department. Every effort has been made by IADC to assure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained in reports developed from the data submitted; however, IADC makes no representation, warranty or guarantee in connection with these reports and expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from the use of this data.
IADC is not attempting to fulfill any duties or obligations of employers to warn, properly train, or equip their employees or others who may be affected by their activities, concerning any health, safety, or environmental risks or precautions.
Charts contained in reports may be reproduced or copied but the ISP data contained in the reports is not to be modified in any way.
All drilling companies involved in oil and gas well drilling are eligible to participate in the IADC Incident Statistics Program.
These guidelines, although similar to certain governmental regulations, are industry accepted guidelines and should not be relied upon when determining the reporting and tracking of incidents that are required by regulatory bodies. To maintain confidentiality of safety records of participating companies, incident data and hours worked for individual companies are not identified by company name.
Maintenance of the ISP Reporting Guidelines falls under the responsibility of the HSE & T Committee. Questions, comments, or opportunities to improve these guidelines should be forwarded to the IADC.
1.1 ISP Related Reports
1.1.1 Quarterly Summary Reports
IADC publishes ISP quarterly reports which summarize year-to-date data for each region, operational category, and the industry overall. Quarterly reports are distributed to program participants and other interested parties on request, as well as posted on the IADC website.
1.1.2 Annual Report
IADC publishes an ISP annual report which summarizes year-end data for each region, operational category. and the industry overall. Copies are available through IADC Publications and the IADC website.
1.2 Abbreviations/Acronyms
Abbreviation/Acronym |
Definition |
Days Away From Work Case |
Days Away (LTI) cases + Restricted Work/Transfer Case (RWC) |
First Aid Case |
Fatality Case |
Incident Statistics Program |
Lost Time Injury Case |
Medical Treatment Only Case |
Restricted Work/Transfer Case |
Total Recordable Incident Frequency |
Total Recordable Incident Rate |
Companies should provide separate forms for each region and operational category (land and water) they sign up for on the registration sheet. Should a company move into a new region or operational category, IADC should be notified.
Should a rig move from one region to another, hours worked, and incident data will be reported in association with the regional category for which the hours and incidents occurred.
2.1 Africa Land & Water
The geographical area for Africa Land & Water includes territorial waters extending east from the Atlantic Ocean to the Suez Canal, Red Sea, and Indian Ocean, and south from the Mediterranean Sea to the South Pole, including Madagascar and associated islands.
2.2 Asia - Pacific Land & Water
The geographical area for Asia - Pacific Land & Water includes territorial waters extending East from the Ural Mountains, Ural River, eastern border of Iran and Caspian Sea; East to 130 degrees longitude (including Japan and Russia) and South from the North Pole to the Timor Sea, diagonally southwest to 105 degrees longitude and South to the South Pole.
2.3 Australasia Land & Water
The geographical area for Australasia Land & Water includes the waters around (or the land mass comprising) Australia, New Zealand, the island of New Guinea, and neighboring islands in the Pacific Ocean (Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Tuvalu, Samoa, Tonga, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji, Palau, Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, Kiribati, and Nauru).
2.4 Canadian Land & Water
The geographical area for Canadian Land & Water includes territorial waters extending northward from the northern border of the United States to the North Pole, excluding Alaska and US territorial waters.
2.5 Central America and Caribbean Land & Water
The geographical area for Central America and Caribbean Land & Water extends from the southern border of the United States to the southern border of Panama and east from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. Caribbean includes lands outside the territorial waters of the United States and the countries along the northern shore of South America.
2.6 European Land & Water
The geographical area for European Land & Water includes territorial waters extending east from the Atlantic Ocean to the Ural Mountains, Ural River, and north from the Mediterranean Sea territorial waters to the North Pole.
2.7 Middle East Land & Water
The geographical area for Middle East Land & Water extends east from the Mediterranean Sea, Suez Canal, and Red Sea to the eastern border of Iran, and south from the northern border of Turkey including territorial waters of the Black Sea, northern border of Iran including territorial waters of the Caspian Sea, and south to the Arabian Sea.
2.8 South America Land & Water
The geographical area for South America Land & Water includes territorial waters extending from the northern border of Columbia to the South Pole and east from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean.
2.9 United States Land & Water
The geographical area for United States Land & Water includes the 50 states and US territorial waters.
Participating companies must provide the following documentation quarterly as the core of the ISP program.
3.1 Company Composite Form
Participating companies are required to provide monthly breakdowns including total man-hours and recordable incidents for the given quarter on the Company Composite Form.
3.2 Supplemental Incident Report (SIR) Form
The Supplemental Incident Report Form captures more specific incident data to support industry trending. One SIR form must be completed for each incident reported on the Company Composite Form during the given quarter.
3.3 Supplemental Incident Composite Spreadsheet
The Supplemental Incident Composite Spreadsheet is not included in the reporting package but can be used in place of the Supplemental Incident Report Form if desired. This can be made available by the IADC upon request.
NOTE: Either the Supplemental Incident Report Form or Supplemental Incident Composite Spreadsheet are required, not both. Reporting forms should be completed no later than twenty (20) calendar days after the end of the quarter.
4 REPORTING INCIDENTS (injuries or illnesses)
Participating companies are required to report all work-related recordable injury or illness cases that involve personnel whose man-hours are being included in statistical calculations. Additional detail on man-hours can be found in Section 7 ISP PROGRAM DEFINITIONS.
Incidents should be reported according to the most appropriate category: FTL, LTI, DAFWC, RWTC, MTO. Additional details can be found in Section 7 ISP PROGRAM DEFINITIONS.
A work-related FTL, LTI, DAFWC, RWTC, or MTO which occurred in a prior month, but which has not been previously reported, should be included in a corrected report for the month the incident originally occurred. Each company will receive a quarterly verification report to review the data previously submitted. Changes should be made to the verification report to correct any inaccuracies or discrepancies and resubmitted.
This program is designed to recognize rigs that accomplish one or more years without a Lost Time Incident or other Recordable Incident. The program contains two elements:
- Certificates: Complimentary to program participants and available via the IADC website, upon request.
- Plaques: Available to program participants for purchase via the IADC website, upon request.
A company may designate one or more of its individual rigs for recognition provided the following requirements are met:
- The company is a member in good standing.
- The company has submitted statistical reports to the ISP for the prior twelve (12) months, including a Supplemental Incident Report (SIR) for all recordable incidents over the period.
NOTE: The 365 days need not be consecutive, but may be cumulative, and should only include the days where the rig is accumulating/reporting man-hours. The 365 days that count towards the recognition must re-start after any Recordable or Lost Time Incident, depending on the type of recognition that is requested. Days since last recordable incident are to start counting on the day after the recordable incident occurred (e.g., the first day after the incident occurred is to be counted as day "1").
6.2 Days since last LTI or Recordable Incident
Days to be counted since last Lost Time Incident (LTI) or last Recordable Incident are days that the rig was reporting man-hours and no LTI or Recordable Incident occurred.
Definitions of key words and terms used in the ISP include:
7.1 Agency Labor
Include work hours and incident data for any agency labor that is directly related to the member's drilling/service operations. Agency labor includes any personnel supplied by such sources as labor unions, labor, temporary agencies, leasing companies, or other labor sources.
NOTE: Traditional third-party labor engaged on a subcontract basis, such as welders, casing crews, directional drillers, self-employed individuals, etc., are not considered agency labor unless their day-to-day duties are under the direct supervision of the drilling/service contractor. (Refer to OSHA definition.)
7.2 Estimating Work Hours
Report hours worked as accurately as possible using payroll records or other documentation. For salaried workers on 24-hour call (Technical/Operational Support, etc.), participants should make a reasonable estimate of the actual hours worked.
Training hours should also be included and reported regardless of whether the course is held at a company training facility or at external provider.
7.3 First Aid
For purposes of this section, first aid includes the following:
- Using a non-prescription medication at non-prescription strength.
- Administration of preventative care, including tetanus immunization.
- Cleaning of wounds, including flushing, soaking, and other irrigation methods.
- Treatment of chemical exposure through showers or other irrigation methods.
- Use of simple bandages, gauze pad, butterfly bandage, Steri-StripsTM, liquid bandage, or surgical glue to cover (not used to close) a superficial wound.
- Use of ointments, salves, and antiseptics to facilitate healing of minor injuries.
- Changing of dressing and bandages.
- Use of hot or cold therapy for pain relief.
- Use of non-rigid supports, such as elastic bandages that support but do not immobilize body parts.
- Temporary use of an immobilization devices as a prevention while transporting an injured person for further investigation (e.g., splints, slings, neck collars, back boards, etc.).
- Perforation of a nail to relieve pressure (such as a subungual hematoma) or draining fluid from a blister.
- Use of an eye patch.
- Removal of superficial foreign bodies from the eye using irrigation or cotton swab.
- Removal of superficial foreign bodies (from areas other than the eye) using minimal intervention including irrigation, cotton swabs, forceps, tweezers, or other simple means (e.g., needles, pins or other small tools).
- Use of finger guards for soft tissue injuries support.
- Drinking of fluids to relieve heat stress.
- The administration of oxygen as a purely precautionary measure to a worker who does not exhibit any symptoms of an injury or illness.
- The use of an IV saline drip used for KVO (keep vein open) only.
7.4 Prescription Medicine
For purposes of ISP reporting, "prescription medication" means a medication that requires a licensed practitioner's approval and script for symptom control unable to be achieved with medications available over the counter (OTC). This indicates a more significant level of harm after a work-related illness or injury which escalates the definition to a medical treatment case (MTC).
Medication control is regulated by national laws, creating a large variety of global standards. For global consistency in reporting, "prescription medication" shall be considered use of a medication that requires a licensed practitioner's approval and script before dispensing in the US. To search for FDA approved drugs, go to http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cder/drugsatfda.
At this time, the ISP program remains aligned to OSHA definitions where the preventive, precautionary, or prophylactic nature of a medication is not controlling for determining MTC definitions which are aligned to OSHA recordability.
Repeating of doses and total duration of use does not impact this definition. It is based on the agent itself and its recommended dose regime.
For ISP purposes reporting companies may engage the secondary opinion of a suitably qualified physician to determine if the original prescription was not aligned to current best practice clinical treatment protocols. This can be deemed unnecessary overtreatment and MTC criteria is not met.
Examples of medication use that will meet prescription definitions include:
a) Injectable therapeutic agents (Intravenous, Intra Dermal, Intramuscular, Intra Joint).
b) Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication (NSAID) used at a prescription level doses equivalent to greater than Ibuprofen 467 mg per dose.
c) Pain relief/analgesic agents inclusive of codeine. It is recommended that what is considered prescription strength be the company's decision based on regional differences or interpretations of what prescription strength is within each region.
d) Sedatives and muscle relaxants.
e) Bronchodilators for a work-related bronchial spasm.
f) Therapeutic use of Hepatitis B vaccination post exposure deemed therapeutic to a specific exposure not general prophylaxis in nature.
Exceptions to a prescription medicine definition (does NOT meet MTC criteria) include
a) Use of medications that are not curative in intent but are used to assist clinical evaluation. Examples are dilating eye drops or injections of substances used for imaging purposes.
b) Hydrocortisone dermal preparations in strengths of 1 % or less available OTC.
c) General prevention post injury tetanus vaccination.
7.5 Reporting Work Hours
Man-hours worked by all workers, including personnel assigned to rig and those not assigned to the rig that provide support such as administrative, clerical, managerial and other support personnel at all levels of the organization, should be included on the Quarterly Report form. Off-duty hours should not be reported in the calculation of hours worked, including non-working hours with workers living on company premises.
A case is deemed work-related when an incident or exposure in the work environment is the discernible cause of an injury or illness or significantly aggravates a known pre-existing injury or illness. A preexisting injury or illness has been significantly aggravated, when an event or exposure in the work environment results in a change in medical treatment, restricted days, or days away from work, loss of consciousness, or death which would have otherwise not occurred but for the occupational event or exposure.
The work environment includes the establishment and other locations where workers are present and engaged in work-related tasks and training as a condition of their employment. This also includes emergency drills and response for off duty personnel on work premises. For the purposes of this program, the following types of incidents are NOT considered to be work- related:
- At the time of the injury or illness, the employee was present in the work environment as a member of the public rather than as an employee.
- The injury or illness involves signs or symptoms that surface at work but result solely from a non-work-related event or exposure that occurs outside the work environment.
- The injury or illness results solely from voluntary participation in a wellness program or in a medical, fitness, or recreational activity.
- The injury or illness is solely the result of an employee eating, drinking, or preparing food or drink for personal consumption (whether bought on the employer's premises or brought in).
- The injury or illness is solely the result of an employee doing personal tasks (unrelated to their employment) at the establishment outside of the employee's assigned working hours.
- The injury or illness is solely the result of personal grooming, self-medication for a non-work-related condition, or is intentionally self-inflicted.
- Infectious illnesses of a widespread prevalence such that the workplace is not a heightened exposure risk in comparison to the normal community. Examples are influenzae, common cold, COVID-19.
- The illness is a mental illness. Mental illness will not be considered work-related unless the employee voluntarily provides the employer with an opinion from a physician or other licensed healthcare professional with appropriate training and experience (psychiatrist, psychologist, psychiatric nurse practitioner, etc.) stating that the employee has a mental illness that is work-related.
- An injury that is unrelated to workplace exposure and results from a natural bodily action or reaction such as walking or bending, coughing, or sneezing.
NOTE: An injury sustained due to an insect or animal bite on working premises is considered work related.
For the purposes of reporting, the initial instance of a work-related injury or illness exposure shall be reported, multiple reporting instances from the same exposure are not required.
7.7 Work-Relatedness and Transport Incidents
While accumulating man-hours during travel or transport, incidents should be considered work-related. Transport incidents will not be considered work-related if they occurred whilst engaged in personal matters not relevant to the company and not directed by the company. Examples include:
- Incidents arising whilst waiting for transportation off location (not engaged in work activities).
- Running personal errands in work time including a self only meal.
- Non-business meals with colleagues.
- Normal commuting to and from home.
7.8 Work-Related Illness
An illness is deemed work-related when an exposure in the work environment either caused or is deemed to have substantially contributed to the resulting condition by an appropriate licensed medical professional (e.g., H2S exposure, metal fume fever, heat- related illness, cold exposure, water exposure, etc.).
7.9 Recordable Incidents
A recordable incident is one where the injury treatment extends beyond Section 7.3 First Aid. A recordable incident includes FTL, LTI, RWC, or MTO as well as a confirmed diagnosis of a work-related illness by a suitable and licensed healthcare professional. Medical observation and/or diagnostic testing where no medical treatment beyond first aid is given is not considered to be recordable. See 7.9.3 Medical Treatment Only.
7.9.1 Fatality (FTL)
A fatality is a death that arises from a work-related injury or illness. Fatalities are included when calculating the Lost Time Incident (LTI) and frequency rate.
7.9.1 Lost Time Incident (LTI)
A Lost Time Incident (LTI) occurs when any work-related injury or illness results in an individual being unable to return to work on the next scheduled work shift, based on an assessment from a licensed healthcare professional (unless caused by delays in getting medical treatment).
Time away from work on the day of the incident is not considered in determining LTI. Time spent traveling, undergoing evaluation, awaiting medical evaluation results, or otherwise seeking medical treatment should not be counted as a LTI when considering LTI classification.
In the event a company solicits a second medical opinion/diagnosis, the company should then make a decision based on which recommendation is the most authoritative and record it as required.
7.9.2 Restricted Work/Transfer Case (RWC)
A Restricted Work/Transfer Case (RWC) occurs when an employee cannot perform routine job functions but does not result in days away from work. An RWC occurs when, because of a work-related injury or illness:
- The employee is temporarily assigned to another job.
- The employee cannot perform all their routine job functions for all or part of their work shift.
- The employee works his regularly assigned job but cannot work the full shift/tour.
- A physician or licensed healthcare professional provides work restrictions that keep the employee from performing all their routine job functions for all or part of their work shift.
- Restricted or light duty the day of the injury or illness does not make the incident a recordable RWC. If the employee continues under restricted duty the day after the incident, the case becomes a recordable RWC.
If an employee experiences minor musculoskeletal discomfort such as muscle pains or strains, a physician or other licensed healthcare professional determines that the employee is fully able to perform their routine job functions, yet the employer assigns a work restriction to that employee or restricts the employee's job functions to prevent a more serious condition from developing, the case is not recordable as a restricted work case.
NOTE: In cases where a worker is able to fulfill all of their routine job functions, the loss of productivity is not considered restricted work.
7.9.3 Medical Treatment Only (MTO eventually change to MTC)
A Medical Treatment Only (MTO) is a work-related injury or illness requiring medical care or treatment beyond first aid but allows return to normal work duties the next scheduled workday. Medical treatment beyond first aid treatment does not include days away from work, restrictions, or transfers. For record keeping purposes, MTO does not include:
- First aid treatment only as per Section 7.3 First Aid.
- Visits to a licensed healthcare professional solely for review, observation, or consulting.
- Diagnostic procedures performed for exclusion of further injury such as imaging (e.g., x-rays, ultrasounds, CTs, MRI) or blood tests. This includes administration of prescription medications used solely for diagnostic purposes (e.g., eye drops to dilate pupils).
The list of MTO definitions includes but is not limited to:
- Treatment of an illness or an injury beyond first aid treatment including prescription only drugs.
- Significant injuries (Section 7.10) diagnosed by a licensed healthcare professional.
- Drinking of fluids to relieve heat stress.
- For reporting purposes, medical treatment is provided at the point a prescription is issued.
7.10 Significant Injury or Illness
A significant diagnosed work-related injury or illness is recordable under the general criteria even if it does not result in death, days away from work, restricted work, job transfer, or medical treatment beyond first aid. The following incidents are considered recordable, even if no medical treatment was given:
- Work-related cancer.
- Work-related chronic irreversible disease.
- Positive x-ray diagnosis of fractures cracked or broken bones, etc., regardless of type of treatment given. (This includes chipped, broken, or cracked tooth/teeth.)
- Punctured ear drum.
- Loss of consciousness.
NOTE: For record keeping purposes, these incidents are to be classified as "Medical Treatment" unless they result in death, days away from work, days of restricted work, or job transfer.
7.11 Incident Rate Calculations
Incident rates can be calculated based on frequency or incidents.
7.11.1 Frequency Rate
The Frequency Rate includes applicable incidents per 1,000,000 man-hours worked.
- Calculate the Lost Time Incident (LTI) Frequency Rate using this formula: [Number of Lost Time Incidents (LTI) including Fatalities (FTL) multiplied by 1,000,000 and then divided by Total Hours Worked = Lost Time Frequency Rate].
- Calculate the Total Recordable Frequency Rate (TRFR) using this formula: [All applicable recordable incidents [(MTO+RWC+LTI+FTL) multiplied by 1,000,000 then divided by Total Hours Worked = Recordable Frequency Rate].
7.11.2 Incidents Rate
The Incidents Rate includes applicable incidents per 200,000 man-hours worked. The two numbers are essentially the same, except Frequency Rate is five (5) times the Incidents Rate.
- Calculate the Lost Time Incidents (LTI) rate using this formula: [Number of Lost Time Incidents (LTI) including Fatalities (FTL) multiplied by 200,000 and then divided by Total Hours Worked = Lost-Time Incidents Rate]
- Calculate the Total Recordable Incidents Rate (TRIR) using this formula: [Recordable incident data [(MTO+RWC+LTI+FTL) multiplied by 200,000 then divided by Total Hours Worked = Recordable Incident Rate]
- Calculate the Days Away Restricted or Transferred (DART)with applicable incidents (FTL+LTI+RWC) that involve days away from work but do not include MTO cases using this formula, [Total number of applicable DART cases*200,000)/Total hours worked = DART Rate]